Using My Documents, My Computer and Windows Explorer :7
[h=3]Copying Files and Folders Windows offers several ways of working with files and folders. Copying and moving are two useful techniques.
[h=5]To copy a file or folder:
Open My Documents. Locate the file or folder you want to copy in My Documents or its subfolders.
Click the file or folder you want to copy. The file or folder darkens when you select it.
Under File and Folder Tasks, click Copy this file or Copy this folder.
In the Copy Items dialog box, select the place where you want to copy the file or folder.
Click the Copy button.
Choose Edit
Copy. (Ctrl + C)
Right-click the file or folder and choose Copy.
Locate the file or folder you want to copy and choose Edit
Using My Documents, My Computer and Windows Explorer :7
[h=3]Selecting More Than One File Or Folder You may need to copy or move multiple files and folders.
[h=5]To copy or move more than one file or folder:
Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select the files or folders you want to move or copy.
The files or folders darken as they are selected.
Copy or move the file or folder using one of the methods explained on the previous pages.
To select a consecutive group of files, click the first file, press and hold down the Shift key, and click the last file. All of the files will be selected.
Using My Documents, My Computer and Windows Explorer :7
[h=3]Choosing Views You can choose how you want to display files and folders. Display them as thumbnails, tiles, large icons, small icons, as a list, or as a list with details including size, type and date last modified.
[h=5]To choose the view for your files or folders:
Open My Documents.
Click the Views button.
A drop down menu appears. Choose your view.
A large black dot appears next to your current choice.
Adding Shortcuts :8 [h=3]What is a Shortcut? A shortcut offers a way of doing a task more quickly such as starting a program or accessing a document. The shortcut icon has a small arrow in the left corner to help you distinguish it from the actual icon that represents programs and files.
The icon above is a desktop shortcut for the Things to Do document that's actually stored in this particular user's My Documents folder.
When you delete a shortcut, the original item still exists on your computer in its original location.
[h=3]Adding a Shortcut In this lesson, you will learn three ways to create a shortcut. Choose the one that works best for you.
[h=5]To add a shortcut to the desktop using Windows Explorer or My Computer:
Open Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Double-click a drive or folder.
Click the file, program, or folder for which you want to make a shortcut. The item darkens when you select it.
Choose File
Create Shortcut.
Resize the window so you can see the desktop.
Hover the mouse pointer over the shortcut icon and hold down the left mouse button and drag the shortcut onto desktop (in the left pane).
Release the left mouse button and a shortcut is moved to the desktop.
Alternatively, press Ctrl + Shift while dragging the file to the desktop to create a shortcut.
[h=3]Right-click to Add a Shortcut One shortcut creation method works in both My Computer and Windows Explorer. This method requires you to right-click.
[h=5]To add a shortcut by right-clicking:
Open Windows Explorer or My Computer.
Double-click a drive or folder.
Right-click the file, program, or folder for which you want to make a shortcut.
A pop-up menu appears. Choose Create Shortcut.
Resize the window so you can see the desktop.
Hover the mouse pointer over the shortcut icon and hold down the left mouse button and drag the shortcut onto desktop (in the left pane).
Release the left mouse button and a shortcut is moved to the desktop.
[h=3]What is the Recycle Bin? Sometimes files and folders can clutter your computer. The Recycle Bin, the desktop icon that resembles a wastebasket, is where you put a file or folder if you want to delete it.
You can open the Recycle Bin anytime and see what's inside by double-clicking the Recycle Bin icon located on the desktop or using Windows Explorer.
Inside, you'll see a listing of deleted items.
[h=3]Retrieving Files From the Recycle Bin Placing an item in the Recycle Bin doesn't mean you can't retrieve it at a later date. Using the Restore all items link (located in the Recycle Bin Tasks list) will move all files and folders in the Recycle bin back to its original locationon your computer.
[h=3]Emptying the Recycle Bin Emptying the Recycle Bin permanently deletes the items. They cannot be recovered. Empty your Recycle Bin periodically to keep your computer running smoothly.
[h=5]To empty the Recycle Bin:
Click the Empty the Recycle Bin link in the Recycle Bin Tasks list.