• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

مقالات انگلیسی مربوط به کامپیوتر 4 (Windows Xp)


متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Taking Advantage of Accessibility Options :12

[h=3]Using MouseKeys The Mouse tab allows you to use the numeric keypad on your keyboard to control the pointer. To use MouseKeys, click the Use MouseKeys checkbox. Clicking the Settings button enables the shortcut for MouseKeys, LEFT ALT+LEFT SHIFT+NUM LOCK.




متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Taking Advantage of Accessibility Options :12

[h=3]The General Tab The General tab provides some other accessibility control options.


Automatic reset. If accessibility features are turned on, users can turn off accessibility features after being idle for a specific period of time. Use the drop down menu to select the desired time.
Notification. Receive a warning when turning a feature on or make a sound when turning a feature on or off.
SerialKeys. Turn on SerialKeys so other input devices (other than the traditional keyboard and mouse) can work with Windows XP.
Administrative options. Computer administrators can apply all accessibility options to the logon desktop and apply all accessibility settings for each new user.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Taking Advantage of Accessibility Options :12

  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Open the Accessibility Options dialog box.
  • Experiment with the options explained in this lesson.
  • Turn on any options that are helpful to you.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

[h=2]Using the Accessibility Wizard :13
[h=3]Introduction[h=4]By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:
  • Adjust Windows XP for vision, hearing, and mobility needs



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Accessibility Wizard :13

[h=3]What is the Accessibility Wizard? Wizards are helpful programs that lead you through a series of steps. Usually, each step asks you to input some information and then uses that information to accomplish a certain task. Microsoft Windows XP's Accessibility Wizard allows you to customize your computer with tools designed to help meet your vision, hearing, or mobility needs.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Accessibility Wizard :13

[h=5]To open the Accessibility Wizard:
  • Choose Start
    All Programs
    Accessibility Wizard.
  • The Accessibility Wizard opens.

  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Click the Accessibility Options link.
  • The Accessibility Options window opens.
  • Under Pick A Task, click Configure Windows to work for your vision, hearing, and mobility needs.
  • The Accessibility Wizard opens.

While Windows XP provides basic accessibility tools to users with special needs, many users with disabilities purchase additional programs and devices to aid in their daily computer use.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14

[h=3][h=4]By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:
  • Use the Help and Support Center



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14

[h=3]Opening the Help and Support Center You don't have to remember how to do everything with Windows XP. If you get stumped, Windows XP features an easy-to-use Help and Support Center to assist you.
[h=5]To access the Help and Support Center:
  • Click Start
    Help and Support.
  • The Help and Support Center window opens.
  • The home section is displayed.


When you first on the Help and Support Center, you arrive in the home section. Here, you can pick a help topic, pick a task, search, and ask for outside assistance. Notice that the Home section looks and acts much like a web page. As you use Help, notice that some Help files are stored on your computer, whereas others are stored on the Internet.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14
[h=3]The Index Notice the buttons across the top of the home section. The Index option works like any other index, providing you with a fast and easy way to locate topics and resources.
[h=5]To use the Index:
  • Open the Help and Support Center.
  • Click the Index button.
  • The Index opens. The entire index is displayed in alphabetical order in the left pane.
  • Type in a keyword that pertains to the topic you're interested in.
  • Double-click a topic you want to explore in the left pane. Information about the topic displays in the right pane or a Topics Found dialog box appears.
  • If a Topics Found dialog box appears, click Display or Cancel
  • If you click Display, information about the topic displays in the right pane.
  • Click Cancel to close the dialog box and begin a new search.


آخرین ویرایش:


متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14
[h=3]Favorites and History
The Favorites option works much like Favorites in Internet Explorer. Whenever you find a help page you want to visit again in the future, click the Add to Favorites button. The page will be added to a Favorites list.


When you want to review your Help Favorites, open the Help and Support Center and click the Favorites button.


The History option, as in Internet Explorer, keeps track of all of the Help and Support Center pages you have visited on the Internet. To review pages you've visited in the past, click the History button. Double-click any of the links to display any of the pages.

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متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14
[h=3]Support If you are having trouble with Windows XP that you can't resolve on your own, there is support available to you in the Help and Support Center. To access Support, click the Support button.


[h=5]You can get support in a variety of ways:
Ask a friend to help. If you have an Internet connection, you can invite someone you trust to chat with you, view your desktop, and work on your computer.
Get help from Microsoft. Using an Internet connection, you can allow a Microsoft support professional to answer your questions via email, chat, view your screen, or work on your computer.
Go to a Windows Web site forum. Windows Newsgroups are online resources that allow to you to communicate with other Windows users about any problems you may be having.

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متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14

[h=3]Help's Search Function Searching for help topics is perhaps the fastest and most useful way to use the Help and Support Center.
[h=5]To use search:
  • Open the Help and Support Center.
  • In the Search box, type in a keyword that pertains to the topic you're interested in and click the green arrow key.


  • Your search results are listed in the left pane.


  • Click to choose a result that best answers your concerns.
  • The explanation will display in the right pane.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using the Help and Support Center :14

[h=3] Challenge!
  • Open the Help and Support menu.
  • Explore the Help options discussed in this lesson.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

[h=2]Using a Printer :15
[h=3]Introduction[h=4]By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to:
  • View installed printers or fax printers
  • Add a printer
  • Troubleshoot common printing problems



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using a Printer :15

[h=3]The Printers and Faxes Folder Windows XP stores any information about any printer or fax machines connected to your computer in a Printers and Faxes folder, making it easy to install, manage, and use printers and fax machines.
[h=5]To view the Printers and Faxes folder:
  • Open the Control Panel.
  • Under Pick a Category, choose Printers and Other Hardware.
  • The Printers and Other Hardware folder opens.
  • Under Pick A Task, choose View installed printer or fax printers or Add a printer.
  • The Printers and Faxes folder opens.
  • In the left pane, you'll see several helpful links.
  • In the right pane, you see a list of any printers or faxes that are installed on your machine.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using a Printer :15

[h=3]Adding a Printer Adding a printer is simple using the Add Printer Wizard available in the Printers and Faxes folder.

[h=5]Before trying to add a printer:
  • Make sure your printer is compatible with Windows XP. If buying a new printer, make sure to do your research before you make a purchase.
  • Get out your printer's manual or CD-ROM and read it.
  • Set up your printer and attach it to your computer using a printer's cable and correct port on your computer.
Note: Many of the latest Plug and Play printers connect through a USB port. If your printer falls into this category, you may not need the Add a Printer Wizard. If you do have to use the wizard and your printer isn't listed in the Windows XP list (which usually displays when you try to add a new printer) you may have to contact the printer manufacturer for a driver. When you get the driver, follow the Add a Printer instructions on your computer.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using a Printer :15
[h=3]Having Trouble Printing It? Perhaps you've written a great report and you want to share it with your boss. The problem is, you're having trouble printing it.
[h=5]Try these troubleshooting techniques:
  • Take care of the basics. Make sure the printer is plugged in, turned on and has paper in it.
  • Make sure the printer cable is properly connected to the printer and to the computer.
  • Check to see if there is a paper jam. Most printers have a flashing light to indicate a jam. Also, if the paper size selected differs from the one in the paper tray, you will not be able to print. To choose a paper size, select File
    Page Setup. Click the Paper Size tab.
  • Check to see that the printer toner, cartridge or ribbon is fresh and adequate. If not, printed documents may appear streaky, blotchy, or even blank.
  • Make sure the printer switched to Online mode. There is usually a button on your printer's control panel. If it is switched to Offline mode, it will not print.
  • Make sure the computer knows what printer you are using. Check this by clicking Start
    Control Panel
    Printers and Other Hardware
    View installed printers or fax printers. If an icon for your printer doesn't appear, try restarting your computer. If you printer still doesn't appear, you may need to add it. Click Add a Printer and follow the instructions in the Add Printer Wizard.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using a Printer :15
[h=3]More Printer Troubleshooting Tips Because so many issues can affect your printer, you should also consider these problem-solving tips:

  • If you work in an office environment where several people share a printer, there may be a network problem. Contact your Network Support person.
  • If you can find the manual for your printer, read it to see if you can find the solution to the problem.
  • If your printer still doesn't work, go to Help and Support Center. Under Pick a Help Topic, click Printing and Faxing. Or, enter the term printer into the Search box.
  • Open the Printing Troubleshooter. Answer the questions and follow the instructions so the computer can help you figure out what's wrong.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using a Printer :15

[h=5]To open the Printing Troubleshooter:
  • Click Start
    Control Panel
    Printers and Other Hardware.
  • In the left pane, open the Troubleshooters category.
  • Click Printing.
  • The Printing Troubleshooter opens.



متخصص بخش فتوشاپ
Accessibility and Problem Solving

Using a Printer :15

  • Open the Printers and Faxes folder.
  • View the printer(s) and fax machine(s) currently installed on your machine.
  • Explore the Add a Printer and Printing Troubleshooter links in the left pane.
  • Add a new printer if necessary.
