بارش محله ما که خفیف هست. همرفت هزارمسجد برای منطقه ما که خوب عمل نکرد! ببینیم بینالود چکار میکنه
اوج زیبایی یک همرفت خود عکس با ادم حرف میزنه عالی بودیک عکس دیگه از همرفت امروز هزار مسجد:
اوج زیبایی یک همرفت خود عکس با ادم حرف میزنه عالی بود
The report was made 0 minutes ago, at 17:30 UTC |
Forecast valid from 16 at 18 UTC to 17 at 24 UTC |
Wind 05 m/s from northeast |
Visibility 7000 m |
Few clouds at a height of 1067 m ,Cumulonimbus. Scattered clouds at a height of 1219m |
Becoming from 16 at 23 UTC to 17 at 01 UTC |
Visibility 2000 m |
mist |
Becoming from 17 at 04 UTC to 17 at 06 UTC |
Visibility 6000 m |
Temporary from 17 at 06 UTC to 17 at 15 UTC |
Wind 08 m/s from east/southeast |
Visibility 4000 m |
Few clouds at a height of 1067 m ,Cumulonimbus. Scattered clouds at a height of 1219m Overcast at a height of 3048 m |
rain showers |
Becoming from 17 at 14 UTC to 17 at 16 UTC |
Few clouds at a height of 1067 m Scattered clouds at a height of 2438m |