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توی چند تا آپدیت اخیر تقریبن پیش‌بینی هوای بسیار سرد در هفت روز دوم در منطقه‌ی اروپا تغییر خاصی نداشته



کاربر ويژه
هومن کلودی الان که مجدد برگشتی دوست ندارم کدورتی بین من و شما باشه . ناراحتی سر مسئله نه چندان مهمی مثل برف این محله و اون محله فکر نکنم زیاد مهم باشه چیزی که من و شما اصلا توش دخالتی نداریم . امیدوارم که سر مسائل اون شب ناراحتی شما از من برطرف شده باشه

این که تقصیر من هست یا شما زیاد مهم نیست . من کلا دوست ندارم با کسی بی دلیل قهر باشم وقتی میشه مشکلات و خیلی راحت حل کرد .:گل: ممنون:احترام:


کاربر ويژه
کلا خوش به حاله مردمه استان آذربایجانه غربی به خصوص جنوبه این استانه از دوشنبه تا جمعه همش شاهده بارش برف و سرما هستند .
:50: :زمستان:

Amir Mohsen

متخصص بخش هواشناسی
[h=2]Live Blog: Earthquake Strikes Off Coast of Alaska
[h=6]By Matt Alto, Meteorologist [h=5]January 05, 2013; 6:00 AM
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A strong earthquake of a preliminary 7.7 magnitude struck off the coast of southeastern Alaska early Saturday morning.
The quake's epicenter was located about 208 miles to the south of Juneau, Alaska, at a depth of 3 miles.
Another magnitude 4.7 quake also occurred in the same area shortly after.
According to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, there was no widespread threat of a tsunami. However, the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued regional warnings for the coasts located near the earthquake.
A tsunami warning was issued for the coastal areas of British Columbia and Alaska from the northern tip of Vancouver Island in British Columbia to Cape Suckling, Alaska.
A tsunami advisory was issued for coastal areas of British Columbia from the Washington and British Columbia boarder to the north tip of Vancouver Island as well as the coastal areas of Alaska from Cape Suckling to Kennedy entrance.
There were no initial reports of damage from the quake.
5:00 A.M.: The USGS downgraded magnitude of the earthquake from 7.7 to 7.5.
5:15 A.M.: Two aftershocks of magnitude 4.7 and 4.5 have been reported by the USGS.
5:20 A.M.: A small tsunami has been observed at Port Alexander, Alaska. Sea level rose 6 inches.
5:25 A.M.: Tsunami Advisory is cancelled from Washington and British Columbia border to north tip of Vancouver Island. The Advisory is also cancelled from the coastal areas of Alaska from Cape Fairweather, Alaska to Cape Suckling, Alaska. The Tsunami Warning remains in effect.
5:40 A.M.: According to The Juneau Empire, a resident of Juneau, Archie Hinman, said the earthquake "shook my Juneau home violently enough to awaken the entire family." He added that there was no apparent damage his home.
6:10 A.M.: Two additional aftershocks, magnitude 4.8 and 4.2, have been reported near the epicenter. This brings the total aftershocks to 4.
6:15A.M.: All tsunami warnings are cancelled.



کاربر ويژه
سلام محسن جان. دقیقا مشهد هم الان هوا همینطوره. البته خدا رو شکر وزش باد آلودگی هوا رو به شدت کم کرده و کوهها خوب دیده میشن. ولی هوا نسبتا گرم شده: دمای فعلی: 7
فشار هوا به 1010 هکتوپاسکال رسیده!!!!!!

سلام آرش جان
خدا کنه که پس این سختی گشایشی در کار باشه!


کاربر ويژه
هومن کلودی الان که مجدد برگشتی دوست ندارم کدورتی بین من و شما باشه . ناراحتی سر مسئله نه چندان مهمی مثل برف این محله و اون محله فکر نکنم زیاد مهم باشه چیزی که من و شما اصلا توش دخالتی نداریم . امیدوارم که سر مسائل اون شب ناراحتی شما از من برطرف شده باشه

این که تقصیر من هست یا شما زیاد مهم نیست . من کلا دوست ندارم با کسی بی دلیل قهر باشم وقتی میشه مشکلات و خیلی راحت حل کرد .:گل: ممنون:احترام:

:دوست: :توافق:


کاربر ويژه
ردای سلطنت برازنده قامت ورزقان است !

سلام. شما لطف دارید. فعلا قوچان یک دمای 24.8 - داشته که رکورد دار سردترین ایستگاه کشور در سال 1391 است. پارسال ورزقان بود با 28 - ؛ باید ببینیم سرمای پیش رو در شمالغرب می تونه رکورد امسال قوچان ( کشور ) رو جا به جا کنه یا نه ... :گل:

Amir Mohsen

متخصص بخش هواشناسی
[h=3]Storm Next Week Brings Severe Wx and Snow... Very Cold Weather Coming [h=5]January 04, 2013; 11:04 AM Comments
1. I posted the map from yesterday showing the snowfall this weekend. It's a light snow and flurry event with some places picking up a couple of inches of snow.
2. The second map is for the storm next week. I think the big impact could be the severe weather across the South which should start Tuesday in eastern Texas and spread across the Southern states. I will have more on the event this weekend.
3. Next week is going to be warmer across the eastern part of the country, but indications are that the cold is coming back for the last half of January. The GFS shows some very cold weather coming into the Plains first and spreading into the East by Jan. 17-21. What excites me is the blocking seems to be coming back just in time for the very cold weather coming in. Sometimes, a big push of extreme cold can be ushered in by a big storm. I will leave it at that.


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