• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

مكالمه به زبان انگليسي ( پيشرفته )

موضوع بسته شده است.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Have you heard any thing ?
Do you know anything ?
people say
they say
people / they tell me
Every body says
Every body tells me
I've heard
I'm told

What else have you heard ?
Have you heard anything else ?
Do you know anything else


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Describing jobs
A : So , tell me something about yourself .
B : Well , er,…… . I don't know where to begin . What do you want to know ?
A : Well , let's see … . What do you do ?
B : I'm a civil engineer .
A : That sound interesting . Do you enjoy your work ?
B : Yes . I like it a lot .
A : Tell me , what exactly do you do ?
B : Well , I design roads and bridges .
A : Oh . That sounds like a very exiting job .

B : It is


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
I don't know where to begin
I dont know where to start
I don't know What to say
What do you want to know ?
What would you like to know ?
What can i tell you ?


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Describing places
A : Have you by any chance ever been to Hong Kong ?
B : Yes , I have . Why ?
A : I'm going there with my family for a holiday next month . Can you tell me what it's like there ?
B : Well , it's a very exciting place . As a matter of fact . It's probably one of the most exciting palaces I know .
A : Really ? That's good to hear . Can you tell me anything else ?
B : Well … . What else would you like to know ?
A : How a bout the weather …. and people ?
B : The weather at this time of year is usually cool , and in my opinion the people there are very interesting .
A : It sounds a wonderful place .

B : It is . I'm sure you'll have a good time there


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
as a matter of fact
in fact

can you tell me anything else ?
can you tell me anything more ?
what else can you tell me

in my opinion
if you ask me
as far as I'm concerned​


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

A : That was very good performance !
B : Did you really like it ?
A : Yes . I thought it was excellent .
B : Thanks for saying so



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
a very good
quite a
[ less formal ]
some ( American )

very much
absolutely ( American )
Thanks / thank you ( for saying so )
It's nice / kind of you to say so / that​


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

A : I really like your flat . It's very spacious.
B : Oh , go on ! You're just saying that !
A : No , I mean it ! It's one of the most spacious flat I've ever seen .

B : Well , thanks for saying so . I'm glad you like it


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
realy ) / ( do ) like

Oh,go on !
Oh , come on !
Oh !
I mean it !
I'm ( realy / quite ) serious
I'm being perfectly honest


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Enquiring a bout suitability
A : How do you like the bicycle ?
B : It's fine .
A : It isn't too heavy ?
B : No , not at all .
A : Is it large enough ?
B : Oh , yes . I wouldn't want it any larger .
A : So you're satisfied with it ?
B : Very . It's just What I had in mind


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
How do you like
What do you think of
very nice


just what i had in mind / wanted / was looking for


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Expressing dissatisfication
A : I'm very annoyed with my landlord .
B : why ?
A : He's always forgetting to mend things .
B : Have you spoken to him about it ?
A : Well , no I haven't .
B : I don't understand . If it bothers you so much , why don't you mention it to him ?
A : I suppose I should . But I don't like complaining



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
annoyed with
upset with
[ stronger ]
angry with
furous with
mad at ( American )

He's always
He's constantly
He keeps on
mention it to him
talk to him about it
discuss it with him
bring up the subject with him


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Expressing preferences
A : Would you like to stay at home or see a film ?
B : I think I'd prefer to stay at home . How a bout you ?
A : Well , to be honest , I really don't fell like staying at home . I'd much rather see a film . Is that ok with you ?
B : Yes . We haven't seen a film for a long time any way



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
would you like to
would you prefer to
would you rather to
I'd prefer to
I'd rather
I'd like to
I ( realy ) don't fell like --- ing
I'm not ( realy ) in the mood for ---- ing
I'd ( realy ) prefer not to


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Talking a bout disagreement
A : You've seemed troubled for the past few days , Is anything wrong ?
B : Well , to tell the truth , I've been having disagreement with my boss .
A : Oh ? What's it all about ?
B : Well , to cut a long story short . My boss wants me to work on the night shift but I'd rather stay on the day shift .
A : Does he feel strongly about working on the night shift ?
B : Yes , He does . And I fell just as strongly about staying on the day shift .
A : well , It sounds like a serious disagreement . I hope you can settle it soon .

B : so do I



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
ou've seemed troubled
You've seemed upset
You've seemed upset
You've seemed preoccupied
You haven't been yourself

the matter
on your mind

settle it
resolve it
find a solution​


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Expressing neutrality
A : When do you want to leave .
B : Oh , I don't know . Whenever you'd like to leave is fine with me .
A : you don't have any strong feeling a bout it ?

B : No , Not really . It makes no difference



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
have any strong feeling about it
have any strong feeling about it one way or another
care one way or another
have a preference / any preference

It makes no diffrence ( to me )
It doesn't make any difference ( to me )
it doesn't matter ( to me )
It's all the same to me
I don't mind
I don't feel strongly about it ( one way or the other )


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Expressing neutrality
A : would you mind if I went home early .
B : No , not at all .
A : are you sure ? I mean if you'd rather I didn't I won't .
B : no . honestly . It doesn't matter to me whether you go home early or not . It's entirely up to you

موضوع بسته شده است.