• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

آموزش فتوشاپ ـ قسمت 14


متخصص بخش

آموزش فتوشاپ ـ قسمت 14

● کلید های میانبر فتوشاپ :

CTRL+O = Open file

CTRL+N = New file

CTRL+W = Close file (watch out for not mixing with CTRL+Q!!)

CTRL+S = Save file

CTRL+SHIFT+S = Save file As

CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S = Save for web

CTRL+Q = Quit photoshop

CTRL+A = Select all

CTRL+D = Deselect

CTRL+E = Merge Down (more about layers later on..)

CTRL+R = Rulers visible (the things you drag guidelines out from..)

CTRL+T = Transform selection (Scale and rotate..)

CTRL+U = Change image Hue, Saturation and Lightness

CTRL+I = Inverse

CTRL+F = Repeat last used filter

CTRL+K = Preferences

CTRL+L = Levels

CTRL+Z = Undo (something you just can´t live without. Fact.)

CTRL+X = Cut

CTRL+C = Copy

CTRL+V = Paste

CTRL+B = Color balance

CTRL+M = Curves

CTRL+Space = Zoom In

CTRL+ALT+Space = Zoom Out

D = Set Colors to Default

X = Change Foreground color with Background color

این کلید ها رو هم حتما بعد از اینکه کلیدهای بالا رو حفظ شدید ! یاد بگیرید... خیلی کارایی دارند

CTRL+SHIFT+E = Flatten image

CTRL+SHIFT+T = Transform again

CTRL+SHIFT+U = Desaturate (make image black & white)

CTRL+SHIFT+I = Inverse selection (usefulnes=۱۰۰۰۰۰)

CTRL+SHIFT+P = Page setup

CTRL+SHIFT+D = Reselect

CTRL+SHIFT+F = Fade last filter..or thing you just did.. (works on alot of things)

CTRL+SHIFT+L = Auto levels


CTRL+SHIFT+N = New layer

اینا رو هم یاد بگیرید بد نیست اما اگر یک فرد مبتدی هستید شاید زیاد براتون کارایی نداشته باشه

CTRL+ALT+۰ = Actual pixels ("zooms" to ۱۰۰%)

CTRL+ALT+O = Open As

CTRL+ALT+S = Save a Copy

CTRL+ALT+D = Feather selection

CTRL+ALT+F = Last filter, only you get to choose the stuff!!

CTRL+ALT+L = Auto levels, and... you get to choose.

CTRL+ALT+Z = History back (you´ve got to know this one!!!!)

CTRL+ALT+B = Auto color balance

CTRL+ALT+M = Auto Curves

CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+Q = Quit Photoshop..without asking anything!

CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E = Flatten image to active layer (useful, if you´re not a beginner

● کلیدهای منو ها:

خب در اینجا کلیدهایی را به شما نشان می دهم که در اصل اگر بخواهید با موس کار کنید باید آنها را از منوهای فتوشاپ انتخاب کنید.

▪ منوی File :

ALT+F+V = Revert to last saved version of image

ALT+F+M = Import

ALT+F+R = Export (useful for GIFs)

ALT+F+U+B = Batch

ALT+F+I = File info

ALT+F+F+G = General Preferences

ALT+F+"number" = Open recent files (really useful, once you get used to it..)

▪ منوی Edit

ALT+E+L = Fill selection

ALT+E+S = Stroke "around" selection (read more in the "outline" section )

ALT+E+A = Transform..these are the most useful;

+H = Flip horizontally

+V = Flip vertically

+D = Distort

▪ منوی Image

ALT+I+M = Mode..+R = RGB +I = Indexed..and so on

ALT+I+D = Duplicate image

ALT+I+I = Image size (REALLY USEFUL!!)

ALT+I+S = Canvas size

▪ منوی لایه ها

ALT+L+N+L = New layer

ALT+L+D = Duplicate layer

ALT+L+L = Delete layer (!)

ALT+L+O = Layer Options (same as double click on layer)

ALT+L+C = Layer Effects (all effects have their own shortcut!!!)

ALT+L+K = Layer Mask

▪ منوی Select

ALT+S+C = Color range (use it! You´ll get it!!)

ALT+S+M = Modify selection (lot´s of cool stuff here!)

ALT+S+T = Transform selection

ALT+S+L = Load selection

▪ منوی Filter

ALT+T+B = Blur menu

ALT+T+N = Noise menu

ALT+T+P = Pixelate menu

ALT+T+R = Render menu

ALT+T+S = Sharpen menu

ALT+T+T = Texture menu

ALT+T+E = Eyecandy (plug in..go get it!)

▪ منوی View

ALT+V+P = Print size

ALT+V+G = Show grid

▪ منوی Window

ALT+W+O = Show/Hide Tools

ALT+W+B = Show/Hide Brushes

ALT+W+L = Show/Hide Layers

ALT+W+Y = Show/Hide History

ALT+W+S = Show/Hide Statusbar

● چند کلید کاربردی دیگر

TAB = Show/Hide all tools & windows

SPACE = Hand tool (the one you can drag yourself around the pic with)

F = Change view, from window to hide all..

CTRL+۱ ۳ = View different channels (R,G & B) CAPS LOCK = Change cursor from exact to tool pic

SHIFT (hold in) = Extra functions in several tools

ALT (hold in) = Extra functions in several tools


CTRL+ALT+drag a layer = Copy layer