• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

Beyond Email


کاربر ويژه
Beyond Email


All About Online Communication

Ways to Communicate Online

Chat and Instant Messaging

Online Phone Calls

Video Chat and Group Calls

Text Messages

Direct Messages

Likes, Comments, and Sharing


آخرین ویرایش:


کاربر ويژه
[h=2]All About Online Communication

In the past, email was the best way to communicate with people

online. But today, there are many different ways to talk online, allowing you to do things like

Make phone calls from your computer and even see the person you're talking with.

Share with lots of friends at the same time without sending an email to each of them individually.

Engage with different websites by making comments or posting your own content.

Over the next several lessons, we'll take a look at some different methods of online

communication, including chat, video calling, text messages, status updates, and more



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]All About Online Communication

[h=4]How People Communicate Online

When people are not online, they use a variety of communication methods, including

calls, written letters, and face-to-face conversation. We use these different

methods depending on the situation. Online communication is very similar: people

may use instant messaging, video chat, or social networking depending

on the situation. You can choose whichever methods best fit your needs

Review the graphic below to get an idea of how a few different people communicate online.




کاربر ويژه
[h=2]All About Online Communication

[h=4]Staying Safe Online

No matter how you communicate online, you'll need to think about privacy and safety. Each

service that we'll discuss has its own privacy settings. It's helpful to review these settings

before using any service to avoid revealing your conversations and personal information to a broader audience

Act as if you were communicating offline: remember, everything you write

online is relatively permanent, so even passing comments could have negative

consequences for you or someone else in the future.



کاربر ويژه
Chat and Instant Messaging


Chat and instant messaging (IM) are short messages sent and read in real time, allowing

you to converse more quickly and easily than email

Chat and IM are generally used when both (or all) people are online, so your message can

be read immediately. By comparison, an email message won't be seen until the recipient

checks their email, meaning that chat and IM are better for quick messages and conversations




کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Chat and Instant Messaging

[h=4]Chat vs. IM

The terms chat and IM are sometimes used interchangeably. However, they

can have slightly different meanings

Chat often occurs in a virtual chat room, which can include many different people

who may or may not know each other. Many chat rooms focus on a particular topic or interest

IM usually includes a list of your contacts, called a Buddy List or Friend List, which

allows you to see who is online. IM is especially suited for one-on-one

communication, but it's possible to send messages to multiple people at

once. IM is technically a kind of chat, and some IM services use the term "chat" instead

A Friend List in Skype



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Chat and Instant Messaging

[h=4]Pros and Cons of Instant Messaging

Will chat or IM work for your needs? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:

[h=4]Pros:It's instant; you don't need to wait for the other person to check their email.

It's great for quick messages, questions, or notifications.

Compared to email, it's easier to carry on a conversation (or even multiple conversations).

You can stay logged in while doing other things on your computer, which makes it easy to multitask.


If someone is not online, you may have to contact them another way.

It's not as convenient as email for lengthy or complicated messages.

It's not always instantaneous: if your friends are busy or away from the

computer, it may take a while for them to respond

Since people may type quickly or use abbreviations, messages could be hard to

understand. Also, as with email, it's possible to misinterpret someone's tone.



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Chat and Instant Messaging

[h=4]Where to Find Chat and IM Services

There are numerous chat and IM programs you can download, including Skype, ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), and

Yahoo! Messenger (all of these can also perform voice and video chat). In addition, there are many

browser-based services that don't require downloading. For example Gmail allow you to chat with your contacts whenever you're signed in

If you have a smartphone or mobile device, it's possible to use chat or IM when you're away

from your computer. Popular mobile chat services include IMO and eBuddy..



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Online Phone Calls


It's easy to make free or inexpensive phone calls to almost anywhere in the world

using your computer. You don't even necessarily need a super-fast internet

connection. Many IM and chat services include voice chat, which lets you

talk to your friends who are online

Some services go a step further, allowing you to call any phone number and even

providing you with a phone number for others to call. As these services are often

very inexpensive, some people use them to replace their traditional, or landline, phone

service altogether


You may have heard the term VoIP (pronounced "voyp"), which stands

for Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP can be used to describe any kind of online phone service.


کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Online Phone Calls

[h=4]Hardware and Software Requirements

In order to make phone calls from your computer, you'll need a microphone and

, or better yet, a headset with a microphone. If your computer has a

built-in microphone and speakers, you may be able to use those instead. There

are also adapters that will let you connect a regular phone to your computer or your router.

Different services will have their own hardware and software requirements, but most

computers from the last few years will have more than enough processing

power. In addition, a broadband internet connection is recommended, but may not be required



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Online Phone Calls

[h=4]Pros and Cons of Online Phone Service

Will an online phone service work for your needs? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:


Some services are free or very inexpensive.

Unlike chat or email, you can actually talk to someone

You can use it as a replacement for your landline, or just to save minutes on your mobile phone.

It's possible to set up a conference call (or group chat) with multiple people.


Compared to IM or chat, it's harder to carry on several conversations at once

Unlike a traditional phone, it won't work if the power goes out.

Some features, like the ability to call phones, may cost extra.

You may need to purchase a microphone, speakers, or headset if you don't already own these.

On slower internet connections, it may not work at all or be unreliable.

Most online phone services cannot be used to make emergency calls.



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Online Phone Calls

[h=4]Where to Find Online Phone Services

There are numerous online phone services, but some of the most popular

include Skype, Google Talk (which can also run within Gmail), Google Voice, and

Yahoo! Messenger. Skype is especially flexible, as it allows you to choose from

various levels of service, which range from free to paid subscriptions

Be aware that some services only allow you to voice chat with other users of the same

service, and don't permit you to call phone numbers or get your own number. Before you

start using an online phone service, make sure that it provides all the features you need

Gmail's call phone feature



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Video Chat and Group Calls


Video chat allows you to see and hear the people you're communicating with

in real time. Whether you're talking with a family member or collaborating at

work, video chat can add a personal touch to your conversations. Just like voice

, it's included in many IM and chat services, and it's often free




کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Video Chat and Group Calls

[h=4]Hardware and Software Requirements
Like voice chat, you'll need a microphone and speakers, or a headset that contains

both. You'll also need a webcam so the other person can see you. Many computers

have a built-in webcam, usually located just above the screen. There are also

inexpensive webcams that connect to your computer's USB port, which can be

purchased at any store that sells computer hardware and electronics

Generally, video chat will require a broadband internet connection. The faster

your internet connection, the better the video quality. With slower connections, the

video can become choppy or may not work at all

An external webcam



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Video Chat and Group Calls

[h=4]Group Video Chat

With some services, it's possible to video chat with multiple people. This is often

called group video chat or video conferencing, while the meeting itself is often

called a webinar (short for web seminar). It's often used in the workplace, but you

can use it anytime you want to collaborate with a group. However, you should be aware

that some services charge extra for this feature, and it may require a faster internet connection

If you're giving a presentation, you can even share your screen with the people you're

talking to. That means they'll see exactly what you're seeing on the screen, whether it's

a PowerPoint presentation, a photo, or a spreadsheet. Screen sharing is also useful

if you're having a problem with your computer, as it can help others see and identify the issue



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Video Chat and Group Calls

[h=4]Pros and Cons of Video Chat

Will video chat work for your needs? Review some of the pros and cons to help decide:


You can see the person you're talking with.

Many voice chat services are free, and may be included with your IM or chat program.

It's possible to chat with multiple people at once.

You may need to buy a webcam and headset if you don't already own them.

It may not work with slower internet connections.

Even though you can see the person, it's not the same as talking face-to-face. Due to

the camera angle and picture quality, you may find it a bit awkward or unflattering



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Text Messages


You've probably heard people talk about text messaging, or texting. Text messages are

short messages (usually 160 characters or fewer) sent from one mobile phone to

another. It's similar to instant messaging, except that you won't need to log in—you'll

just send messages directly from your phone

Typically, texting is not free, although your mobile carrier probably offers

service packages that include a certain number of texts per month

(or even unlimited texts). If you don't have a texting plan, you'll

generally be charged whenever you send or receive a text message




کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Text Messages

[h=4]Why Text?

Many people ask the same question: "Why would I send a text message when

I could just call the person?"
One of the main reasons is that it's faster, at least

for short messages. It can easily take several minutes to "send" your message with

a phone call. With a text message, the same message could be sent with a text in just a few seconds

There are also times when it's not really possible to call someone, like if

you're at a meeting, or in class, or any other place where you're not

able to talk easily. Texting is often the best alternative in these situations

Do note that typing on a mobile phone tends to be slower than typing on a computer. To speed

things up, people often use abbreviations and acronyms. If you're not familiar with these

abbreviations, it can be difficult to understand some text messages. To see some of the

most common acronyms, check out the Top 50 Popular Text & Chat Acronyms


Sending a text message



کاربر ويژه
[h=2]Text Messages

[h=4]Texting Without a Mobile Phone
Text messages are designed to be sent from one mobile phone to another. However, there

are some websites, such as textem.net, which allow you to send

a text message from a computer to a mobile phone

This can be especially helpful if you don't use texting on your phone but need to contact someone who does.


Sending a text with textem.net
