• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

Calling a Friend

آسمان دریایی

متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
conversations of calling a friend

?A: Hello, may I speak to Alice please

B: This is she. How's it going?
A: I've been trying to call you all day.
B: Sorry about that. I was cleaning up.
A: It's okay.
B: So what were you calling me about?
A: Oh, I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tomorrow.
B: Sure, what did you want to do?
A: Maybe we can go see a movie or something.
B: That sounds like fun. Let's do it.
A: I'll see you tomorrow then.
B: See you then. Goodbye


A: Hi, how are you. Is Alice there?
B: Speaking. What's up?
A: Why haven't you answered the phone?
B: My bad, I had chores to do.
A: That's all right.
B: What was the reason for your call?
A: I want to do something tomorrow with you.
B: Sounds good. What did you have in mind?
A: I was thinking about seeing a movie.
B: Okay, let's go see a movie.
A: Until then.
B: Talk to you later.


A: Is Alice available?
B: You're talking to her.
A: I've called you a hundred times today.
B: I was busy doing something. I apologize.
A: No problem.
B: Did you need something?
A: Did you want to do something tomorrow?
B: Is there somewhere special you wanted to go?
A: How about a movie?
B: A movie sounds good.
A: Call me tomorrow then.
B: I will see you tomorrow

Black Lover

کاربر ويژه
Mahdi:Hey dude Whats Up I Called you more Than Three Times You Didn't Pick Up The Phone,You Ok?
Kian:Yeah,Everything is Fine Just I Feel Sick...!
Mahdi:Where Are You Man?
Mahdi:Ok I Will Be Right There Just Hold On.I'll Take you to Hospital
Kian:eek:k.I Owe You , man.Later

Next Day(in Hospital)l
Kian:Thanks Boddie Doctor Said Its Just A Food allergy
Mahdi:I Knew It You Event Dont Listen To me.I Told You Do not Eat Pie Too Much!
Kian:Ok Fine I Swear I Will Never Do it Again.So Hows Going On?
Mahdi:Hey Man Check This Out!Lately I Joined A Forum.Name of The Forum is IRANJOMAN
Kian:It Must Be Intersting,I Feel Lonely After Anna Left Me :نیش:.
Mahdi:I Know The Feeling..!
Kian:And Know I Can Make Some New Friends There
Mahdi:Ofcourse You Can.After A Few Day When You Got out The Hospital You Can Join It
Kian:No Way...Bring My Laptob Here
Mahdi:So You Want Your Network Cable Too.Come on Just Be Little Patient I Know You Are Crazy About This Forum But This is Healing Your Self That Better Thing About It.
Kian:Ok Boss!
Mahdi:Shut Up!I Will Check You Out Until Getting You Out Of Hospital!But Now If You Excuse Me I Have Date.
Kian:How Many Girls You Met This Week?huh
Mahdi:(Laugh)Ok I Really Dont Want to Talk About it Got It?Catch You Later Dude.
Kian:(Laugh)Ok bye
این دو دیلوگو خودم نوشتم بدون منبع و دیکشنری پس اگه در جایی اشتباه کردم منو ببخشید...و اگر اشتباهاتمو بصورت پیام برام بفرستید خیلی ازتون ممنون میشم :گل:
Later Guys!:نیش:

آسمان دریایی

متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

That was GREAT mahdi

My pleasure to have some one like you in our forum.
Good for you.
you really surprised me.
Go on man. I'm waiting for your next works.:احترام:

Black Lover

کاربر ويژه
Mahdi:Hey Reza,Hows Going on Tiger?
Reza:Cool man
Mahdi:Your Upset..Whats Happend to ya
Reza:Jafar Stole My Wallet
Mahdi:That Bully and his Team?
Reza:Yeah...I Have To Pay Them 10 Buck each week and if i dont...They Will Beat Me To Death
Mahdi:Dont worry about it!I Should Give Them A Good Lesson
Reza:If You Do This For me I Give You My Playstaion 3 For A Week.
(1 hour later,Bullies Teritory)1Mahdi:Hey You Monkey Shapes..!!!!Come here..
Jaffar:Hey You Jerk...What Hell you want?Get Outta of Our Hood?
Mahdi:Look!I Dont Want Any Trouble and Im Sure That you too
mahdi:Gimme Reza's Wallet
Jaffar:You Know What ,pal.You Can Go and get lost before I Damage your white And Clean Face
Mahdi:Look im a man Of Peace,Gimme his Wallet and i get lost.
Jaffar:Boys!Lets Give this Coward A New Nose...
Mahdi:Oh Damn it...OAUCH!
(5 Hour Later)Reza:Oh My Gosh mahdi What Happened to you?You Look Like A...:تعجب2:
Mahdi:...Lets Dont Talk about it...Here is Your Wallet..
Reza:Oh Thanks...Ok Here is The Playstaion 3,Enjoy it...I Want to ask something,Mahdi!
Mahdi:Cmon.Ask it.
Reza:Was it Worth?
Mahdi:Yeah...I Will Die For my Friends...Specialy You And Kian...I Gotta go,See you around mate:گل:!
Reza:Thanks man.