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فولادي آدرس اين نقشه ها رو ميدي مي خوام اينا رو هم پابليك كنم!!!!!
قبلا که تو پی تی آدرس و آموزش استفاده داده بودم! فکر می کردم همه می دونید اینو!
فکر کنم سربازی بودی اون موقع
اینا نقشه آماده نیست. GFS پلاتر هستش. مختصات میدی پارامتر رو انتخاب و از الان تا یک هفته آینده نقشه هر نقطه از کره زمین رو میده
برو اینجا:
جدیدترین فایل کنترل رو انتخاب کن فعلافورکست ها رو انتخاب کن آنالیزها رو بعدا چک کن
include variable definitions and units رو تیکشو بزن تا توضیح پارامتر ها رو بده
فعلا تک متغییره رو انتخاب کن
فعلا نقشه رو انتخاب کن
دکمه صفحه بعد رو بزن
متغییرت رو انتخاب کن و ارتفاع مورد نظر LEVEL ( خیلی از متغییرها فقط برای یک لول محاسبه میشن اینو جلوشون نوشته و انتخاب لول تاثیری نداره)
بعد تاریخ مورد نظرت رو انتخاب کن محدوده مجاز رو گفته( برا بعضی متغییر ها مثل precip 0-12hr و مشابهش، تاریخ رو حساب نمیکنه و از الان شروع به ساعت شماری میکنه )
بقیش معلومه چیه فقط برای مختصات مشخص Map projection رو بزار رو CUSTOM وطول و عرض جغرافیایی و ارتفاع و عرض نقشه ای که میخوای رو بده
نکته بعد Contour interval هست که میتونی مشخص کنی متغییرت مثلا ده تا ده تا رو نقشه ترسیم بشه یا هر عدد دلخواه دیگه. پیش فرضش DEF هست که خودش خودکار فاصله ها رو مشخص میکنه. یادت نره موقع ترسیم یه متغییر دیگه مقدارش رو برگردونی به DEF (مخفف بی نهایته فکر کنم :چشمک
extra operation میانگین گیری داره و همینطور تبدیل هم داره مثلا درجه کلوین به سانتیگراد یا پاسکال به میلی بار
بقیه رو خودت انگول کن چیزی نیست. کار باهاش خیلی ساده است پیشنهاد می کنم همه دوستان امتحان کنند
عوض پابلیش زحمت یه آموزش درست و حسابیش تو یه تاپیک جدا یا تو وبلاگت بکش با توضیح این متغییر ها به چه درد می خورن. خیلی وقته می خوام بذارم تنبلی نمیزاره
لیست متغییرها:
1 level * Best (4-layer) lifted index [K]
1 level * 500 mb 5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
"no4LFTX" > no4LFTX
1 level * surface Best (4-layer) lifted index [K]
"no5WAVA" > no5WAVA
1 level * 5-wave geopot. height anomaly [gpm]
"no5WAVH" > no5WAVH
1 level * 5-wave geopotential height [gpm]
26 levels * Absolute vorticity [/s]
1 level * surface Albedo [%]
1 level * surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
"CAPE180_0mb" > CAPE180_0mb
1 level * 180-0 mb above gnd Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
1 level * surface Convective inhibition [J/kg]
"CIN180_0mb" > CIN180_0mb
1 level * 180-0 mb above gnd Convective inhibition [J/kg]
"CLWMRprs" > CLWMRprs
21 levels * Cloud water [kg/kg]
"CWATclm" > CWATclm
1 level * atmos column Cloud water [kg/m^2]
"oCWORKclm" > oCWORKclm
1 level * atmos column Cloud work function [J/kg]
2 levels * Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
"HGTsfc" > HGTsfc
1 level * surface Geopotential height [gpm]
26 levels * Geopotential height [gpm]
"HGTpv2" > HGTpv2
1 level * pot vorticity = 2 units level Geopotential height [gpm]
"HGTpvneg2" > HGTpvneg2
1 level * pot vorticity = -2 units level Geopotential height [gpm]
"HGThtfl" > HGThtfl
1 level * highest trop freezing level Geopotential height [gpm]
"HGT0deg" > HGT0deg
1 level * 0C isotherm level Geopotential height [gpm]
"HGTmwl" > HGTmwl
1 level * max wind level Geopotential height [gpm]
"HGTtrp" > HGTtrp
1 level * tropopause Geopotential height [gpm]
1 level * surface Planetary boundary layer height [m]
1 level * surface Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction]
1 level * surface Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction]
1 level * surface Surface lifted index [K]
"O3MR_100mb" > O3MR_100mb
1 level * Ozone mixing ratio on 100mb [kg/kg]
"O3MR_70mb" > O3MR_70mb
1 level * Ozone mixing ratio on 70mb [kg/kg]
"O3MR_50mb" > O3MR_50mb
1 level * Ozone mixing ratio on 50mb [kg/kg]
"O3MR_30mb" > O3MR_30mb
1 level * Ozone mixing ratio on 30mb [kg/kg]
"O3MR_20mb" > O3MR_20mb
1 level * Ozone mixing ratio on 20mb [kg/kg]
"O3MR_10mb" > O3MR_10mb
1 level * Ozone mixing ratio on 10mb [kg/kg]
"POTsig995" > POTsig995
1 level * sig=.995 Potential temp. [K]
"PRESsfc" > PRESsfc
1 level * surface Pressure [Pa]
"PRESpv2" > PRESpv2
1 level * pot vorticity = 2 units level Pressure [Pa]
"PRESpvneg2" > PRESpvneg2
1 level * pot vorticity = -2 units level Pressure [Pa]
"PREScvb" > PREScvb
1 level * Pressure [Pa]
"PREScvt" > PREScvt
1 level * Pressure [Pa]
"PRESmwl" > PRESmwl
1 level * max wind level Pressure [Pa]
"PREStrp" > PREStrp
1 level * tropopause Pressure [Pa]
1 level * Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
"PWATclm" > PWATclm
1 level * atmos column Precipitable water [kg/m^2]
"RH" > RH
21 levels * Relative humidity [%]
"RH2m" > RH2m
1 level * 2 m Relative humidity [%]
"RHsig995" > RHsig995
1 level * sig=.995 Relative humidity [%]
"RHsg44_100" > RHsg44_100
1 level * sigma=0.44-1.00 layer Relative humidity [%]
"RHsg72_94" > RHsg72_94
1 level * sigma=0.72-0.94 layer Relative humidity [%]
"RHsg44_72" > RHsg44_72
1 level * sigma=0.44-0.72 layer Relative humidity [%]
"RHsg33_100" > RHsg33_100
1 level * sigma=0.33-1.00 layer Relative humidity [%]
"RH30_0mb" > RH30_0mb
1 level * 30-0 mb above gnd Relative humidity [%]
"RHclm" > RHclm
1 level * atmos column Relative humidity [%]
"RHhtfl" > RHhtfl
1 level * highest trop freezing level Relative humidity [%]
"RH0deg" > RH0deg
1 level * 0C isotherm level Relative humidity [%]
"SOILW0_10cm" > SOILW0_10cm
1 level * 0-10 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
"SOILW10_40cm" > SOILW10_40cm
1 level * 10-40 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
"SOILW40_100cm" > SOILW40_100cm
1 level * 40-100 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
"SOILW100_200cm" > SOILW100_200cm
1 level * 100-200 cm underground Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
"SPFH2m" > SPFH2m
1 level * 2 m Specific humidity [kg/kg]
"SPFH30_0mb" > SPFH30_0mb
1 level * 30-0 mb above gnd Specific humidity [kg/kg]
"TMPsfc" > TMPsfc
1 level * surface Temp. [K]
26 levels * Temp. [K]
"TMP1829m" > TMP1829m
1 level * 1829 m Temp. [K]
"TMP2743m" > TMP2743m
1 level * 2743 m Temp. [K]
"TMP3658m" > TMP3658m
1 level * 3658 m Temp. [K]
"TMP2m" > TMP2m
1 level * 2 m Temp. [K]
"TMPsig995" > TMPsig995
1 level * sig=.995 Temp. [K]
"TMP0_10cm" > TMP0_10cm
1 level * 0-10 cm underground Temp. [K]
"TMP10_40cm" > TMP10_40cm
1 level * 10-40 cm underground Temp. [K]
"TMP40_100cm" > TMP40_100cm
1 level * 40-100 cm underground Temp. [K]
"TMP100_200cm" > TMP100_200cm
1 level * 100-200 cm underground Temp. [K]
"TMP30_0mb" > TMP30_0mb
1 level * 30-0 mb above gnd Temp. [K]
"TMPpv2" > TMPpv2
1 level * pot vorticity = 2 units level Temp. [K]
"TMPpvneg2" > TMPpvneg2
1 level * pot vorticity = -2 units level Temp. [K]
"TMPmwl" > TMPmwl
1 level * max wind level Temp. [K]
"TMPtrp" > TMPtrp
1 level * tropopause Temp. [K]
"TOZNEclm" > TOZNEclm
1 level * atmos column Total ozone [Dobson]
1 level * surface Zonal gravity wave stress [N/m^2]
26 levels * u wind [m/s]
"UGRD1829m" > UGRD1829m
1 level * 1829 m u wind [m/s]
"UGRD2743m" > UGRD2743m
1 level * 2743 m u wind [m/s]
"UGRD3658m" > UGRD3658m
1 level * 3658 m u wind [m/s]
"UGRD10m" > UGRD10m
1 level * 10 m u wind [m/s]
"UGRDsig995" > UGRDsig995
1 level * sig=.995 u wind [m/s]
"UGRD30_0mb" > UGRD30_0mb
1 level * 30-0 mb above gnd u wind [m/s]
"UGRDpv2" > UGRDpv2
1 level * pot vorticity = 2 units level u wind [m/s]
"UGRDpvneg2" > UGRDpvneg2
1 level * pot vorticity = -2 units level u wind [m/s]
"UGRDmwl" > UGRDmwl
1 level * max wind level u wind [m/s]
"UGRDtrp" > UGRDtrp
1 level * tropopause u wind [m/s]
1 level * surface Meridional gravity wave stress [N/m^2]
26 levels * v wind [m/s]
"VGRD1829m" > VGRD1829m
1 level * 1829 m v wind [m/s]
"VGRD2743m" > VGRD2743m
1 level * 2743 m v wind [m/s]
"VGRD3658m" > VGRD3658m
1 level * 3658 m v wind [m/s]
"VGRD10m" > VGRD10m
1 level * 10 m v wind [m/s]
"VGRDsig995" > VGRDsig995
1 level * sig=.995 v wind [m/s]
"VGRD30_0mb" > VGRD30_0mb
1 level * 30-0 mb above gnd v wind [m/s]
"VGRDpv2" > VGRDpv2
1 level * pot vorticity = 2 units level v wind [m/s]
"VGRDpvneg2" > VGRDpvneg2
1 level * pot vorticity = -2 units level v wind [m/s]
"VGRDmwl" > VGRDmwl
1 level * max wind level v wind [m/s]
"VGRDtrp" > VGRDtrp
1 level * tropopause v wind [m/s]
21 levels * Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
"VVELsig995" > VVELsig995
1 level * sig=.995 Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s]
"VWSHpv2" > VWSHpv2
1 level * pot vorticity = 2 units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
"VWSHpvneg2" > VWSHpvneg2
1 level * pot vorticity = -2 units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
"VWSHtrp" > VWSHtrp
1 level * tropopause Vertical speed shear [1/s]
1 level * surface Accum. snow [kg/m^2]
"precip type">precip type
1 level * precip type 1=rain 2=freezing rain 3=ice pellets 4=snow
"isotach (m/s)">isotach (m/s)
26 levels * wind speed (m/s)
16 levels * isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
"winds 10m">winds 10m
1 level * 10 meter isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
"winds B/W">winds B/W
16 levels * isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
"winds 10m B/W">winds 10m B/W
1 level * 10 meter isotachs (m/s) and wind vectors
"winds (knots)">winds (knots)
16 levels * isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
"winds 10m (knots)">winds 10m (knots)
1 level * 10 meter isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
"winds B/W (knots)">winds B/W (knots)
16 levels * isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
"winds 10m B/W (knots)">winds 10m B/W (knots)
1 level * 10 meter isotachs (knots) and wind vectors
17 levels * height (gpm) and absolute vorticity (1e-6/s)
17 levels * height (gpm) and relative vorticity (1e-6/s)
17 levels * Relative Humidity (%) and Omega (dp/dt) (Pa/s)
"1000-500 Thickness">1000-500 Thickness
1 level * Thickness of the 500-1000mb layer (m)
1 level * mean sea level pressure (mb) and 1000-500 thickness (m)
"msl 0,12hr">msl 0,12hr
1 level * mean sea level pressure (mb), t=0,12hr
"precip 0-6hr">precip 0-6hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 6-12hr">precip 6-12hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 12-18hr">precip 12-18hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 18-24hr">precip 18-24hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 24-30hr">precip 24-30hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 30-36hr">precip 30-36hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 36-42hr">precip 36-42hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 42-48hr">precip 42-48hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 0-12hr">precip 0-12hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 12-24hr">precip 12-24hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 24-36hr">precip 24-36hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 36-48hr">precip 36-48hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 48-60hr">precip 48-60hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
"precip 60-72hr">precip 60-72hr
1 level * smoothed precip (mm)
1 level * Convective precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s]
1 level * Precipitation rate [kg/m^2/s]
1 level * Latent heat flux [W/m^2]
1 level * Sensible heat flux [W/m^2]
1 level * surface Downward long wave flux [W/m^2]
1 level * surface Downward short wave flux [W/m^2]
1 level * surface Upward long wave flux [W/m^2]
1 level * surface Upward short wave flux [W/m^2]
1 level * top of atmos Upward long wave flux [W/m^2]
1 level * top of atmos Upward short wave flux [W/m^2]
1 level * atmos column cloud cover [%]
1 level * boundary cloud layer cloud cover [%]
1 level * low cloud layer cloud cover [%]
1 level * mid cloud layer cloud cover [%]
1 level * high cloud layer cloud cover [%]
1 level * convective cloud layer cloud cover [%]
1 level * low cloud top Temp. [K]
1 level * mid cloud top Temp. [K]
1 level * high cloud top Temp. [K]
1 level * Water runoff [kg/m^2]
1 level * Potential evaporation rate [W/m^2]
1 level * atmos column Cloud work function [J/kg]
1 level * surface Zonal momentum flux [N/m^2]
1 level * surface Meridional momentum flux [N/m^2]
"HGT Fcst-Verf">HGT Fcst-Verf
17 levels * geopotential height (m) Forecast - _verification
"HGT Fcst&Verf">HGT Fcst&Verf
17 levels * geopotential height (m) Forecast and _verification
"PRMSL Fcst-Verf">PRMSL Fcst-Verf
1 level * msl pressure (mb) Forecast - _verification
"PRMSL Fcst&Verf">PRMSL Fcst&Verf
1 level * msl pressure (mb) Forecast and _verification
"TMP Fcst-Verf">TMP Fcst-Verf
17 levels * temperature (C) Forecast - _verification
"TMP Fcst&Verf">TMP Fcst&Verf
17 levels * temperature (C) Forecast and _verification
"TMP2m Fcst-Verf">TMP2m Fcst-Verf
1 level * 2 meter temperature (C) Forecast - _verification
"TMP2m Fcst&Verf">TMP2m Fcst&Verf
1 level * 2 meter temperature (C) Forecast and _verification
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