• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

مكالمه به زبان انگليسي ! ( مبتدي تا متوسطه )

موضوع بسته شده است.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
سلام . در اين تاپيك 80 مكالمه آماده به زبان انگليسي قرار داده مي شود . البته قطعا شما هنگام عين اين جملات را ادا نخواهيد كرد بلكه اين ديالوگ ها براي آشنايي شما با روند مكالمه و ... است .
اميدوارم مفيد واقع بشه​


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Dialogue A
Mr Green is in a hotel
Mr Green : Good evening
Receptionist: Good evening , sir . what's your name, please?
Mr Green: my name's Green …..Alen Green.
Receptionist: And where are you from.
Mr Green: I'm from England.
Receptionist : Ah , yes , Mr Green , from London , Room eight .Here's your key


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Dialogue B
Man Excuse mel
Mr Green: yes
Man: Are you American?
Mr Green :pardon?
Man :Are you American?
Mr Green: oh , no… no,I'm not .I'm English


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Dialogue C
Men : Are you here on holiday ?
Mr Green : No , I'm not . I'm A businessman
Man : Oh ? What's your job ?
Mr Green : I'm an export manager


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Dialogue D
Porter: Is this your umbrella, mr Green.
Mr Green: No, it isn't . That's my umbrella over there.
Porter: Are those your cases over there?
Mr Green :No,they aren't .
Porter : Oh sorry .Are these your cases here?
Mr Green yes, they are.
Porter And what's your room number, Mr Green ?
Mr Green: Number eight
آخرین ویرایش توسط مدیر:


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 2
Dialogue A
Mr Green is with the hotel porter.
Porter: this is your room , Mr Green … nember eight.That's the bathroom over there.There are some towels in the bathroom.
Mr Green: Thank you .
Porter :There's a radio and a television , and there 's a shelf near the bed.
Mr Green :Thank you very much.
Porter: There's a fridge over there .There are some bottles in the fridge , and some glasses on the table.
Mr Green: Thank you very much indeed
آخرین ویرایش توسط مدیر:


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 2
Dialogue B
Mr Green: Is there a telephon?
Porter: Yes, there is.It's on the table near the bed.
Mr Green: Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
Porter: No . No , there isn't.
Mr Green: Oh , are there any good restaurants near here?
Porter: Yes , there are . T?here are some in Cambridge Street.
Mr Green :Where's that ?
Porter: That's … first right , second left


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 2
Dialogue c
Mr Green: Hello . Alen Green here.
Receptionist: this is reception .There's Mr Brown on the phone.
Mr Green: Mr Borwn ?
Receptionist:Yes , Mr Brown from London.
Mr Green: Ah , yes, thank you


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 2
Dialogue D
Mr Green's on the phone.
Mr Green: well, goodbye , Mr Brown.
Mr Brown: Goodbye.
Mr Green : oh !what's your phone-number ?
Mr Brown: sorry , it's 01-374-2655
Mr Green: 01-374-2655… thank you , bye


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 3
Dialogue A
David's in the kitchen. His wife , Susan , is in the sitting-room.
Susan: David ! Is there any milk the fridge?
David : Milk , yes .Yes ,there is . There's some milke here.
Susan: Good . Are there any eggs?
David: Eggs , yes, there are some eggs on the shelf


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 3
Dialogue B
Susan: david!
David :Yes?
Susan: How many eggs are there?
David: it's o.k., there are a lot.
Susan: Fine . Is there any cheese?
David: yes , there's a lot of cheese.
Susan: How much butter is there?
David: There isn't any butter …
Susan: Oh , no …David , could you go to the shop , plesase? Take the car


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 3
Dialogue C
Shopkeeper : Good afternoon , Me Jones .
David : Hello , I'd like some butter ,please
Shopkeeper : Wich butter would you like ? English or French ?
David : Oh ... English , olease , And I'd like some oranges .
Shopkeeper : Wich oranges would you like ? Big or small ?
David : Oh , small , please . I'd like four small oranges , please


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 3
Dialogue D
David's outside the shop.There's a policeman near the car.
Policeman: Excuse me , sir .
David :Yes ?
Policeman: Is this your car ?
David :No it isn't.
Policeman: Oh ! Whose car is it sir?
David: it's my wife 's car.
Policeman: well, sir . don’t park here ,pelease!
David: I'm sorry


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 4
Dialogue A
Charles Orson is a film director."Disco Dancer ". He hasn't got star for the film,He's with Joseph: Gold , the producer.
Gold well … Joe Osborne's a fantastic actor.
Orson: Hmm … can he sing?
Gold:Oh! He can sing and he can dance.
Orson: Yes , but can he drive ?
Gold: Drive ? No , he can't drive , but we can teach him!
Orson: Yes , he can, he's very athletic.
Orson: o.k.I can see him tomorrow


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 4
Dialogue B
Charles Orson is on the phone.
Orson : Hello , is that Mr Osborne?
Joe: yes , this is Joe Osborne .
Orson: This is Charles Orson ? The film director ?
Orson: yes , that's right. Can you see me tomorrow , at the at the studio?
Joe: When …er… morning or afthernoon?
Orson: in the morning .
Joe: What time ?
Orson:Is nine o'clock o.k.?
Joe: Nine o'clock?Yes , that's fine


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 4
Dialogue C
joe Osborne white his wife , Jenny .
Joe: Jenny!
Jenny: Yes?
Joe: I've got an appointment-whit Charles Orson – tomorrow !
Jenny :Charles orson ?Wow!
Joe :He's a wonderful director.
Jenny :Yes,he is .Is he very rich?
Joe:Rich?He's a millionaire .He's got three cars!
Jenny:three cars ? Well , you haven't got any money , and you haven't got a car.but…
Joe:But l've got you , Jenny !
Jenny:Oh , Joe


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 5
Dialogue A
Listen linda Martin is at the airport.She's at the customs now.
Customs officer:Good afthernoon.Can I see your passport,please?
Linda Martin:eek:f course .Here you are .
Customs officer: Fine .which casese are yours?
Linda martin:Those cases are mine.
Customs officer: Wich ones?
Linda martin:the brown ones over there


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 5Dialogue B
Customs officer :Could you put your cases on the table , please?
Linda martin: Certainly … er…here are the keys.
Customs officer:Can you open them for me?
Linda Martin:Yes ,of course.
Customes offcer:Have you got anythingto devlare?
Linda Martin:Yes , Ihave .Some perfume, some wine and some cigarettes.
Customs Officer:Fine .Could you show them to me , please


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 5
Dialogue C
Customs Officer:Right… How much perfume have you got ?
Linda martin:eek:ne small bottle.
Customs officer:And how much pepsi have you got?
Linda Martin:two litres.
Customs officer:That's all right . Thank you very much , madam.you can close your cases now .goodbye.
Linda martin:Goodbye


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 6
Dialogue A
peter Dawson in on the phone .
Peter Dawson:Hello , is that Theresa Wilson?
Secretary:No , this is Miss Wilson's secretary.She isn't working today.
Peter Dawson:Oh , Where is she?
Secretary : she's at home
موضوع بسته شده است.