• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

مكالمه به زبان انگليسي ! ( مبتدي تا متوسطه )

موضوع بسته شده است.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 11
Dialogue B
Paul:Where were you in Italy,Stephen?
Stephen:Iwas in Room.
Paul:Roma?Was in Rome.
Stephen:No,it wasn't .Not in April .Are you going to Rome?
Paul:I hope so. We're staying in Rimini but there's an Excursion to rome


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 11
Dialogue C
Paul:Was it very busy in Rome in April?
Stephen:Busy?Oh, yes, It Was very busy . There were a lot of tourists. It wasEaster .All hotels were full.
Paul:Was the food good?
Stephen:Oh,Yes,There was a very good restaurant near our hotel .We had dinner there every day


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 11
Dialogue D
Paul:Did you have any problems in Italy?
Stephen:No…no we didn't have any problems.My wife can speak Italian , the people were very friendly , we both love Italian food. We had a very good time


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 12
Dialogue A
Hazel Marsh works in central Londan . She goes there every day . Her husband,Patrick, is at home .He usually arrives home before her.
Patrik:You're early , Hazel .Did you come home by taxi?
Hazel:No , dear .I got the five o'clock train.
Patrik:Did you go to the bank today ?
Hazel:Yes , I did .
Patrik: Did you get some money for the weekend?
Hazel:yes, I did .Oh , I met Anna at the bank .I had lunch with her.
Patrik:Oh , where did you go ?
Hazel: We went to that little restaurant next to the bank.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 12
Dialogue B
Patrik:How was Anna?
hazel: She was very happy . She and Robert are engaged now.
Patrik:Are they ? When did they get engaged?
Hazel:Last Saturday .They bought the ring,then they went to that new French restaurant.
Patrik:did they?
Hazel:Yes,and they had an expensive dinner and darnk two bottles of champagne.
Patrik:Two bottles of champagne?When's the wedding ?
Hazel:June 15 th.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 12
Dialogue C
It's june 15 th .Robert and Anna got married this afthrenoon . Patrick and Hazel went to the wedding . thy're talking about the wedding now.
Patrik: Did you enjoy the wedding , Hazel?
Hazel:Well, yes …but Robert arrived late, and waited half an hour .
Patrik:Yes!And then the best man didn't have the ring .Anna borrowed her mother's.
Hazel:I know… but Anna looked wonderful in her dress.
Patrik:Yes , she did , but Robert didn't look very nice .He rented his suit , and it was too big.
Hazel:Oh , but weddings are nice .He kissed her and she kissed him. Both their mothers cried.
Patrik:Humm …Idon't like big weddings .They're too expensive.
Hazel:But Anna wanted a church wedding , and I like it!


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 13
Dialogue A
Barry Lambert arrived at London Airport an hour ago. He's still waiting for his luggage .He can't find it.
Barry:Excuse me.
Airport official:Yes , sir ?
Airport official: Yes , sir?
Barry:I can't find my suitcase .
Airport official: Really ?Wich flight were you on?
Barry:Flight 236 from Paris.
Airport official:And when did you arrive?
Barry:I arrived an hour ago.All the passengers have their suitcases now, but mine isn't there.
Airport official:Well,could you go to that office over there .I'm sure they can help you.
Barry:Tank you


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 13
Dialogue B
Barry's at the office now .The girl in the office wants some more information
Airport official: And have you got your ticket ?
Barry:Er..yes,here it is.
Airport official:thak you .What colour as the suitcase?
Barry:It was briwn , a brown leather suitcase .It's nearly new . I bought it two weeks ago.
Airport official:Dark brown or light brown?
Barry : Dark brown.
Airport official:What was in it ?
Barry:Clothes.There was a suit ,there were a few shirts , two Parisof shoes, two Paris of trousers, few books , and some presents.
Airport official:presents?
Barry:Yes ,some French perfume for my wife , and some for my daughter.
Airport official:How much perfume?
Barry:Oh only a little.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 13
Dialogue C
The girl's asking Barry some more questions.
Airport official:Now can I have your full name?
Barry: Yes , Barry Thomas Lambert.
Airport official:And your address , Mr Lambert?
Baryy:Flat 4 , Argyle House…
Airport official:Argyle ? Can you splle that?
Barry:Yes , A-R-G-Y-L-E . Argyle house , Highland Roda , Wimbledon.
Airport official: Are yu on the phone ,sir?
Barry:Yes, 01-174-2833.
Airport official:Well , don't worry ,sir We usually find suitcases.
Barry :I hope so.I lost year and you didn't find it!


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 13
Dialogue D
Barry's at home.[PHONE RINGS]
Barry:Hello .This is Barry lambert.
Airport official:Ah ,Mr Lambert.British Airways here . I've got some good news for you.
Barry:Oh,good,my suitcase?
Airport official:Yes,sir .We found it at Manchester Airport.
Barry:Did you ,really?Manchester Airport!
Airport official:Yes ,there wasn't a ticket on it , and they life it on the plane , so it went to Manchester.
Barry:Can you send it to me?
Airport official:Of course , sir. It came back to London this morning.
Barry:Well , thank you very much indeed


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 14
Dialogue A
Rosemary Butler is a receptionist at the Grand Hotel .It's nine o'clock in the evening , and she's speaking to Ted Prentice , the hotel porter.
Rosemary: It's very quiet tonight , Ted.
Ted : Yes ,we aren't very busy .We usually have a lot of tourists in July .
Rosemary : but there aren't many this year. A lot of people left today .
Ted: Did you see the eight o'clock news?
Rosemary :No , I didn't .I was working .
Ted: Oh , there's a big fire in a hotel in Scotland . It's burning now…[PHONE RINGS]
Rosemary :Excuse me , Ted , there's the phone . Hello , reception .Oh , no!
Ted: What's the matter?
Rosemary: there's a fire here , in the kitchen!


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 14
Dialogue B
It's eleven o'clock now , and the hotel is still burning . Bill snow is a television reporter . He's talking to Ted Prentice.
Bill Snow :Now the fire started at nine o'clock .What were you doing , Mr Prentice?
Ted : Well , I…
Bill Snow: sorry ,could you speak into the microphone?
Ted: Oh , yes .Well ,I was standing in reception . I was talking to Rosemary.
Bill Snow : Sorry , who were you talking to?
Ted: Rosemary .She's the receptionist .
Bill Snow : What were you talking about ?
Ted : Well , we were talking about the news , about the big fire in Scotland


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 14
Dialogue C
Bill Snow is interviewing Mrs Wayne .She was staying at the hotel.
Bill Snow :Where were you , Mrs Wayne?
Mrs Wayne: We were in our room .
Bill Snow : Oh , were you sleeping ?
Mrs Wayne :My husband was , but I wasn't .
Bill Snow: What were you doing ?
Mrs Wayne : I was having a shower . it was terrible!
Bill Snow : What was terrible?
Mrs Wayne: Well , when the fire started , I wasn't wearing anything


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 14
Dialogue D
Bill Snow is interviewing Rosemary.
Bill Snow :What were you doing , Miss Butler ?
Rosemary: I was talking to Ted , the hotel porter .
Bill snow : What happened ?
Rosemary: Well , the cook phone me and told me about the fire .
Bill Sonw : What did you do ?
Rosemary:I phoned the fire service . They came very quickly , and everybody left the hotel!


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 15
Dialogue A
Maureen : John , did you go to the travel agency today ?
John: No , I couldn't go. We were too busy at work .
Maureen :Didn't you phone?
John :Well , I tried . I tried twice , but I couldn't get a reply .
Maureen: Oh, dear ! Can you go tomorrow ?
John: Yes , I think so .
Maureen : well , it is important . Last year we were too late and we couldn't get a flight


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 15
Dialogue B
John is at the travel agency
Agent : Good morning .
John : Good morning . I was reading a bout the holiday in Kenya last night.
Agent: Ah , yes , the safari holiday .
John: That's right . I'd like some more information .
Agent :What would you like to know ?
John: Well , must I get a visa for Kenya ?
Agent : Are you a British national , sir ?
John: yes , I am.
Agent: Then you needn't get a visa , but of course you must have a passport .
John: That's all right . I've got a passport . what a bout vaccinations ?Must I have any?
Agent :Oh , yes , you must . four , I think , but you must ask your doctor about that.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 15
Dialogue C
John: What about the water in Kenya ? Is it all right to drink the water?
Agent : It's all right in Nairobi , but you mustn't drink the water in the villages.
John : I see . Must I get an international Driving Permit?
Agent : No , you needn't pay all the money now , but we would like a deposit of fifty pounds .
John : What about my gun ? Can I take it on the plane ?
Agent : Your gun ! On the plane ! Oh , no , sir , you mustn't take your gun on the plane!
John : Oh …
Agent : No , no . you must declare it at customs . You can send it as cargo. There are a lot of hijacks these days , sir


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 16
Dialogue A
Clive and Alison are going to have a party tonight . They've invited a lot of friends . They're in the dining –room.
Clive :Alison , where's Victoria ? She isn't in her room.
Alison : Oh , she's gone to the supermarket.
Clive : Why ?
Alison : We need some more butter.
Clive : Wasn't there enough butter?
Alison : No , there wasn't , and there weren't enough biscuits , either . She's going to get some .


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 16
Dialogue B
Clive's in the dining –room . Alison's in the kitchen .
Alison: Clive … could you open the wine , now ?
Clive :I've already opened the red wine … but I haven't opened the white.
Alison :Oh , good .what about glasses ? Are there enough?
Clive: I hope so .I've just washed some . I'm putting them on the table.
Clive : I hope so .I've just washed some . I'm putting them on the table.[CRASH]
Alison: Clive !what's happened ? What have you done ?
Clive : Oh , no … I've just dropped the glasses !


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 16
Dialogue C
Alison : Clive , has David phoned ?
Clive : Oh …yes , yes , he has . I didn't tell you . he phoned me at work this morning .
Alison : Well , are David and Susan coming tonight?
Clive : No , they can't come . They've gone to London .
Alison : Oh , what a pity!
موضوع بسته شده است.