• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

مكالمه به زبان انگليسي ! ( مبتدي تا متوسطه )

موضوع بسته شده است.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 6
Dialogue B
Mrs Wilson : 23770
Peter:Hello, Theresa?
Mrs Wilson :No , I'm Mrs Wilson. Theresa's mother.
Peter:Oh … What are they doing?
Mrs Wilson :they're play ing tennis.
Peter : Have you got Janet's phone number , please?
Mrs Wilson :Yes …here it is …45668.
Peter:Thanks a lot … goodbye


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 6
Dialogue C
Peter:Hello …Janet?
Janet:Yea,who's that?
Peter:peter … Peter Dowson.Is Theresa there?
Janet:Oh , hello , Peter .Yes she is .We're watching television.
Peter:Oh , you aren't playing tennis.
Janet: No, It's raining.
Peter :What are you watching ?
Janet:"Frankenstein."Would you like to speak to Theresa?
Peter :please .
Janet:eek:.k.Theresa.it's peter on the phone!she's coming now


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 6
Dialogue D
Peter:Hi , Theresa?
Peter:Are you watching the film?
Theresa:Yes , I am .It's fantastic.
Peter:Er…I've got two ticketsfor the theatre?Would you like to come?
Peter:On Monday evening .
Theresa :Monday? Oh dear .I'm busy on Monday .
Peter:Really?What are you doing ?
Theresa:I'm working . We're very busy at the office.
Peter :Well , another time , perhaps?
Theresa:Yes,thanks anyway


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 7
Dialogue A
Colin Telford is a bank manager in Oxford .He's in his office now.He's very busy today.
Secretary:Mr Telford?
Colin Telford: Yes?
Secretary: Miss martin's waiting outside.Can you see her now?
Clion Telford:What time is it?
Secretary: It's quarter past twelve.
Colin Telford:Oh ,I'm going to have lunch at Quarter to one .Well, all right, bring her in


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 7
Dialogue B
Mr Telford:Ah,hello, Miss Martin , sit down please .
Miss martin:Thank you , Mr Telford.
Mr Telford:Well , are you going to ask me for money?
Miss Martin:Oh , no …, I'm not .Not this time .L've got a new job,in Manchester.
Mr Telford :Oh that's nice .are you going to move there?
Miss Martin :Yes yes I am .
Mr Telford :Oh what a pity !When are you going to leave Oxford?
Miss Martin :I'm going to start the new job next month. Could you write to the bank in Manchester for me?
Mr Telford:Of course


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 7
Dialogue C
Secretary:Mr Telford?
Mr Telford:Yes?
Secretary:Could you see Mr Green now?
Mr Telford:Oh , well, O.k., but I'm in a hurry !it's half past twelvenow and L've got an appointment for lunch.
Secretay:It's twenty – five to one!
Mr telford :Is it ?Oh , daer .I'm going to be late !Can you phone Mr Brown for me ?Say , I'm not going to be there at quarter to one , is one o'clock O.k.?
Oh , and send Mr Green in


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 7
Dialogue D
Mr Telford: ah , Mr Green . Come in , come in.
Mr Green: Hello , Mr Telford.
Mr Telford :Hello .now , can I help you?
Mr Green:Well…er…yes .I'd like to borrow some money .
Mr Telford:Well,how much would you like to borrow?
Mr Green:Two thousand pounds .I'm going to borrow ?
Mr Telford : Two thousand pounds.What make are you going to get?
Mr Green :A Calypso.
Mr Telford:My wife's got a new Calpso. It's a very good car


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 8
Dialogue A
George and Margaret are going to a wedding next Sturday.
Margaret:George , what are you going to wear?
George :My blue suit .
Margaret :Oh , George !You can't wear that !
George :Why not ? It's O.k.
Margaret:No,it isn't .you need a new suit


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 8
Dialogue B
George and Margaret are in a men's clothes shop.
Assistant:Good morning , sir , Can Ihelp you ?
George :Er … yes , I'm looking for a suit .
Assistant: yes , sir . What size are you?
Assistant:And what colour do you want?
George : I don't know.
Assistant:Well , look over here.All these suits are 102


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 8
Dialogue C
George is shoing some suits to Margaret.
George:I like that one , Margaret.
Margaret:Ooh…I don't like it .
George: What about the grey one?
Margaret:N…o I don't think so.
George:This one?
George:Well , do you like this one?
Margaret:Y…e…s.How much is it?
George:Er …E120
Margaret:Hmm…that's expensive


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 8
Dialogue D
The shop-assistant is talking to George.
Assistant:Well , sir, do you like the grey suit?
George:Yes , I do , but my wife doesn't.
Assistant:Oh ,Well,does she like the brown suit?
George:Yes , she does , but I don't!
Assistant:Oh dear , that 's difficult.
George:Not really , we both like the blue one .Can I try it on


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 9
Dialogue A
Brian Jakson is phoning his doctor.
Receptionist:Good morning .Doctor Smart's receptionist.
Brian:Hello .I'd like to see Doctor Smart's , please.
Receptionist:What's your name please ?
Brian:jakson .Brain Jakson.
Receptionist:Is 9.15 tomorrow o.k.?
Brain :Er … no , not really .I start work at 9 .
Receptionist:Well , what time do you finish ?
Brain:Four o'clock.
Receptionist:The doctor finishs at 4:30 Is 4:15 o.k.?
Brain:Yes , that's fin. Tank you


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 9
Dialogue B
Brain's at the doctor's
Doctor :Ah , Mr Jakson.Com in.
Mr Jakson:Good afthernoon , doctor .
Doctor :What can I do for you?
Mr Jakson :Well ,doctor,I'm very tired …all the time …I don't understand it.
Doctor :What time do you go to bed?
Mr Jakson:I go to bed at eleven , but I don't sleep . I go to sleep about twelve.
Mr Jakson :Iget up at 7:30


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 9
Dialogue C
A: Mr jakson , do you somke?
B:No , not often . I occasionally have a cigarette after dinner.
A:Do you drink?
B:Well , yes , yes , I do.
A:Do you drink everyday?
B:Yes ,I otfen go to the pub afther dinner . But I always drink milk . I never drink soda.soda.
A:How much do you drink ?
B:I usually have two or three milks .I sometimes have four or five , on Saturday nights


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 9
Dialogue D
A:Mr Jakson , do you ever walk to work?
B:No , no . I always drive.
A:Do you play any sports?
B:Well …yes . I play cricket.
A:How often do you play ?
B:Once a week , every Sunday , in the summer . What's wrong with me , doctor?
Why am I always tired?
A:I don't know , Mr Jakson . but I'm going to do some tests .Now take off your jaket


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 10
Dialogue A
Bob and Sarah are at a party . It's the Christmas party for all the people in Sarah's office.
Bob:Sarah . look there's your boss!
Sarah:Yes , he's very happy tonight.
Bob:Mm … he's laughing a lot .
Sarah: He doesn't usually lagh.
Bob:Well , he doesn't usually drink.but he's drinking a lot tonight.
Sarah:That's his fifth glass of soda


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 10
Dialogue B
To Bob and Sarah
Sarah : Bob , look over there!
Bob: Where?
Sarah:Near the bar .
Bob: Oh , yes.It's Simon kennedy.
Sarah: Oh,look , he's dancing now.
Bob:Is he? He doesn't ususlly dance .
Sarah:Doesn't he? He'sdancing very well .
Bob:He doesn't usually wear a suit , either.
Sarah:No , but he's wearing one now , and a tie


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 10
Dialogue C
Sarah: Isn't that your new secretary … with Simon Kennedy?
Bob: Oh , yes , that's Claire!She's French, she translates all the letters for me.
Sarah:Does she speak Engilsh well?
Bob:Oh , yes , very well .
Sarah:Does she like England?
Bob: I hope so ! She's a wonderful secretary . She work s hard .She types fast , and she's a very nice girl.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 10
Dialogue D
Claire is speaking to Simon kennedy.
Claire:Simon , look over there , near the bar .
Simon :Oh , yes , It's Bob and Sarah Williams .
Claire:What are they doing?
Simon : I think they're talking about us!
Claire:Are they?
Simon:Yes , they always come to the Christmas party.They never drink,and they never dance.They always stand near the door , and talk about everybody at the party!


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Section 11
Dialogue A
Paul and Stephen both work in an office.It's halfpast four on Monday afthernoon.
Paul: I'm tried!
Stephen:You need a holiday , paul .Are you having a holiday this year?
Paul:yes ,I'm going to italy.
Stephen: When are you going ?
Paul:I'm going on Friday.
Stephen:Ah.I was in italy in April.It was very nice.
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