• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

مكالمه به زبان انگليسي ( پيشرفته )

موضوع بسته شده است.


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
would you mind
would it bother you
would it ditrub you
It's ( entirely ) up to you
It's ( entirely ) your decision
It's for you to decide


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Making promises
A : can I rely on you to turn off the lights when you leave ?
B : yes . I promise I'll turn them off .
A : you won't forget ? It's realy important .

B : Don't worry . You can rely me



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Makin promises
A : will the car be ready by five ?
B : yes , it will .
A : really ? Can I depend on that ?
B : Of cource !I promise it'll be ready by five .
A : Ok . now remember . I'm counting on you .
B : Don't worry . I won't let you down



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
depend on
count on
rely on
be sure of
Of course

I promise ( you )
I guarantee
I ( can ) assure you
I give you my word
You can be sure

let you down
disappoint you


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

False promises
A : You're going to be very annoyed with me .
B : What makes you say that ?
A : Well , remember I was supposed to save you a seat ?
A : Yes …. ?
B : We;; … I'm afraid I wasn't able to do it .
B : Oh ? Why not ?
A : The truth is , I tried to but usherette wouldn't let me .
A : I'm sorry . after all , you were counting on me to save it .
B : Don’t worry about it . These things happen .
A : you aren't annoyed ?

B : No , It's ok .



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

what makes you say that ?
why u say that ?
why ?
how come ? ( American )
I was supposed to
I said i would
I had promised to
I had promised you i would

The truth is ( that )
The fact of the matter is that
you were counting / depending on me to
you had expected me to ....


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Making place
A : Have you done room 407 yet ?
B : No , I haven't . I was planning to do it later .
A : Would you mind doing it soon ?
B : No , not at all . I'll do it right away



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
I was planning to
I was going to
I intended to
I thought I would
in a little while
right away
right now
as soon as i can
at the first chance i got


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

A : Do you by any chance know when the American president is going to arrive ?
B : Yes . As far as I know , He's going to arrive at 2:30 .
A : Hmmmmm . Somehow I thought he was going to arrive earlier than that .
B : I don't think so .
A : Are you sure ?
B : Yes , I'm positive . He Arrives at 2:30



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Do you / Would you ( by any chance ) know
Do you / Would you ( by any chance ) happen to know
I don't think so
Not as far as i know

Are you sure / Certain / Positive ( abouth that )
I'm positive / certain / sure
I'm absolutely positive / certain / sure
I'm a hundred percent sure
There's no doubt about it


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Changing plans
A : Hello ! It's me again !
B : Hi ! What's wrong ?
A : Well . Since I talked to you about an hour ago , I've found out that I won't be able to go bowling with you a we had planned .
B : Oh ?
A : Yes , My boss is interesting that I work overtime today , and there's nothing I can do about it . I hope you understand .
B : of cource I do . We can always go bowling some other time



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
I won't be able to
I'm not going to be able to
I can't
insisting that i
wanting me to
[ stronger ]
making me
forcing me to
there's nothing I can do about it
there's no way I can get out of it
I can't get out of it


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Offering help
A : Would you like me to wash the dishes ?
B : No . Don't worry about it . I don't mind washing the dishes .
A : No , really you're always the one who does . Let me do it for a change .

B : ok . Thanks . It's very good of you



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Would you like me to ----?
I'll ----- , if you'd like
I'll / I'd be happy / glad to ---, if you'd like
Don't worry about it
That's ok / all right
No , really !
Listen !
( OH ) Come on !

for a change
fore once
It's very good of you
It's nice / kind of you to offer
That's ( very ) nice / kind of you
That would be nice ( American )
I appreciate it / that ( American


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Offering help 2
A : I see you're changing the oil .
B : Yes . It has not been changed for a long time .
A : Want any help ?
B : Yes , if you don't mind .
A : No , not at all . I'd be glad to give you a hand .

B : Thanks . I appreciate it



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
Do you ) want any help ?
( Do you ) need any help ?
( Do you ) want a hand ?
( Do you ) need a hand )
Can i help you ?
Can i give you a hand ?
if you don't mind
if you wouldn't mind
it it's no trouble
I'd be glad / happy to give you a hand
I'd be glad / happy to lend a hand
I'd be glad / happy to help


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Offering assistant ( Accidents )
A : Excuse me . Are you all right .
B : Well , er… . I'm not sure .
A : What happened ?
B : I was Knocked down by someone on roller skates .
A : Oh , no ! Can I do anything to help ?
B : What ?
A : Can I help you ? Should I call an ambulance ?
B : No , that's ok . I think I'll be all right .
A : well , here let me help you up .
B : Thanks , You're very kind .

A : Don't mention it



متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی
all right
Can I do anything to help ?
Is there anything I can do to help ?
Can I help ?
what ?
sorry ?
call / get an ambulance
call / get a doctor
call / get the police
Let me
Allow me ( American )
You're very kind / nice
That's ( very ) kind / nice of you
Don't mention it
Not at all
You're welcome ( American )
Glad to be of help ( American )
No problem ( American )
it was nothing ( at all )
( please ) don't mention it
No, I mean it !
No, really !
No, honestly !
I'm very / most grateful ( to you )
I realy appreciate it ( American )
I appreciate it very much ( American )
I'm glad I could help / do it / be of help
( It was ) my pleasure
Don't mention it
[ informal ]
Any time


متخصص بخش زبان انگلیسی

Expressing and responding in gratitude
A : You know , I keep forgetting to thank you for lending me your calculator .
B : Oh , it was nothing .
A : No , I mean it ! It was very nice of you to lend it to me . I'm very grateful .

B : I'm glad I could help

موضوع بسته شده است.