درس 40
Lesson 40
1. epidemic
Synonyms : an outbreak of a disease that spreads rapidly so that many people have it at the same time = widespread
مسری ، واگیر دار
2. obesity
Synonyms : extreme fatness
مرض چاقی
3. magnify
Synonyms : cause to look larger than it really is = make too much of = go beyond the truth in telling
بزرگ کردن ، زیر ذره بین بزرگ کردن ، درشت کردن
4. chiropractor
Synonyms : a person who treats ailments by massage and manipulation of the vertebrae and other forms of therapy on the theory that disease results from interference with the normal functioning of the nervous system
درمانگر با فن ماساژ و جابجا کردن ستون فقرات
5. obstacle
Synonyms : anything that gets in the way or hinders = impediment = obstruction
مانع ، سد جلو راه
6. ventilate
Synonyms : change the air in = purify by fresh air = discuss openly
هوا دادن به ، بادخور کردن ، تهویه کردن ، پاک کردن
7. jeopardize
Synonyms : risk = endanger
به خطر انداختن
8. negative
Synonyms : saying no = minus = showing the lights and shadows reversed
منفی ، منفی کردن ، خنثی کردن
9. pension
Synonyms : regular payment that is not wages = to make such a payment
حقوق بازنشستگی ، مقرری ، مزد ، پانسیون
10. vital
Synonyms : having to do with life = necessary to life = causing death , failure or ruin = lively
حیاتی ، ضروری ، مبرم
11. municipal
Synonyms : of a city or state = having something to do in the affairs of a city or town
وابسته به شهرداری ، شهری
12. oral
Synonyms : spoken = using speech = of the mouth
شفاهی ، زبانی ، از راه دهان