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نتایح جستجو

  1. B

    نامه نگاری در زبان انگلیسی !

    [FONT=tahoma]CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATING[FONT=tahoma] [FONT=tahoma]لطفا این نمونه نامه را مطالعه نمایید تا با نامه نگاری انگلیسی آشنا شوید [FONT=tahoma]CONGRATULATIONS ON GRADUATING [FONT=tahoma] [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc...
  2. B

    American Slangs

    ace [FONT='inherit']Definition: تعریف ، معنی [FONT='inherit']To do something very well, particularly an examination (verb); first-rate (adjective), or an expert (noun کاری را بخصوص یک آزمایش و امتحان را بسیار خوب انجام دادن ( فعل ) ؛ درجه یک ، عالی ( صفت ) ، یا یک کارشناس ( اسم )...
  3. B

    آئین نگارش مقالات به زبان انگليسي

    آئین نگارش مقالات به زبان انگليسي [FONT=Tahoma]انتخاب عنوان مقاله [FONT=Tahoma]انتخاب ايده اصلي يا تم اصلي مقاله . براي مثال: [FONT=Tahoma]1- Information technology has revolutionized the way we work. [FONT=Tahoma]2- George Orwell's Animal Farm provides a fascinating...
  4. B

    افعال دو بخشی ( Phrasal Verbs ) به صورت کاملا انگلیسی

    برای مشاهده اطلاعات بیشتر از جمله کلمه مترادف ، مثال و یک سوال مرتبط با فعل دو قسمتی بر روی فعل دو بخشی مورد نظر کلیک کنید date back date from dawn on (deal in (1 deal in (2) Informal deal with decide against decide on delight in delve into...
  5. B

    نمونه سوالات متفرقه همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms]1. Please insert the card ______ the machine [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms]A) at (B) on (C) in (D) into [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms]2. Dennis saw the robber ______ his neighbor's house [FONT=comic sans ms]...
  6. B

    نمونه سوالات آزمون تافل ( TOEFL ) همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=tahoma]کلمات تافل با حرف ابتدایی A : [FONT=comic sans ms] 1. Nothing could ever abash him A) please (B)...
  7. B

    سوالات زبان از نظر " کلمات مترادف " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms]1. The frolicking youngsters hurled snowballs at one another with gay abandon A) desertion (B)...
  8. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " حروف ربطی " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms]1. [FONT=comic sans ms] What will you do ______ you ever see a ghost ? [FONT=comic sans ms] (A) [FONT=comic sans ms] when [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms] (B) [FONT=comic sans ms] if[FONT=comic...
  9. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " کلمات ربطی " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms]1. Yusri could not attend the party ______ he was not upset. [FONT=comic sans ms]A) for (B) but (C) when (D) as [FONT=comic sans ms]2. Mother has been on the telephone ______ three hours ! [FONT=comic sans ms]A) since (B) for (C) after (D)...
  10. B

    سوالات زبان از نظر " شکل صحیح کلمه " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms]For each of the sentences below, replace the words in italics with one word of similar meaning each [FONT=comic sans ms]We print our school magazine once in two years [FONT=comic sans ms]We print our school magazine biennially . [FONT=comic sans...
  11. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " لغات و کلمات " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms]Read the following sentences and underline the correct word in brackets[FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms] 1. His ( principle / principal ) reason for learning Japanese was work related 2. When I arrived at the Immigration Office, I was informed about the...
  12. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " Question Tags " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms] 1. The bus has broken down again, ______ ? 2...
  13. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " حروف اضافه " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms]1. The island is so small that there are only five houses ______ it. [FONT=comic sans ms]A) in [FONT=comic sans ms]B[FONT=comic sans ms]) [FONT=comic sans ms]on[FONT=comic sans ms] C) over D) around [FONT=comic sans ms]2. The local team scored three goals...
  14. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " جملات شرطی " همراه با پاسخ

    :نیش: Conditional Sentences Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense...
  15. B

    " درک مطلب متون مختلف " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms] [FONT=comic sans ms]The honey bee is a very unusual kind of insect. ___1___ other insects which live alone, the honey bee lives as a ___2___ of a community. These bees...
  16. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " ضمیر " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT=tahoma]Pronouns 1. My mother and ______ will be going to the market soon. (A) me (B) mine (C) myself (D)...
  17. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " اصطلاحات " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT='inherit']Rewrite each of the following, using a suitable prepositional idiom in place of the words in bold print. [FONT='inherit']We eagerly accepted is offer of a lift to town. [FONT='inherit']We jumped at his offer of a lift to town. [FONT='inherit']1. He assumed an air of...
  18. B

    سوالات زبان از نظر " نزدیک ترین معنا " همراه با پاسخ

    Read the text in each of the following situations and choose the best meaning for the phrases that are underlined. [FONT='inherit']Selvam woke up bright and early last Saturday. He was in seventh heaven ! First of all, he had just got his O level results. As everyone had...
  19. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " حرف تعریف " همراه با پاسخ

    [FONT='inherit']Articles [FONT='inherit']********************** [FONT='inherit']1. [FONT='inherit']Have any of you ever seen ______ snow before ? [FONT='inherit'](A) [FONT='inherit']a [FONT='inherit'](B) [FONT='inherit']the...
  20. B

    سوالات زبان در مورد " قیود " همراه با پاسخ

    Adverbs ********************** 1. ______,the lost hikers will be found soon A) Naturally (B) Hopefully (C) Safely (D) Luckily 2. ______ Julian and Marianne visit the library A) lately (B) lastly (C) hardly (D) regularly 3. Lily loves wearing ______ colored...