لطفا اینو واسم ترجمه کنید.میخوام واسه یکی از اساتید دانشگا کره یمیلش کنم.(0به انگلیسی)
1-شما در مرحله اول الگوریتم گفتید generate knn graph . آیا تولید گراف معمول و استخراج( V وE)ا ز روی دیتا کافیه یا حتما باید گرافی که مربوط به k نزدیکترین همسایه است باشه.؟ در اصل الگوریتم تاثیر میگذارد؟
2- پارنیشن بندی گراف را با چه الگوریتمی توصیه میکنید؟
3- من با تمام تلاشم و البته فرصت کمی که دارم نتونستم داده ها رو بدست بیارم.خواهش میکنم دیتا ست مقاله رو بهم بدین تا بتونم کار تحقیقاتیم رو انجام بدم.چون در اینترنت هم داده ای که بتوان نتایج واقی را بدست آورد و البته با نتایج موجود در مقاله همخوانی داشته باشد نیست.
با سپاس
را برای اولین بار از صفحات وب دیده شده طول خاص در هر
دسترسی به وب سایت وارد شوید از داده ها از آزمون و ارزیابی چگونه به طور موثر
پیش بینی بقیه صفحات وب دیده شده است. و ما تنها دسترسی با استفاده از
وارد جزئیات صفحه محصول برای استخراج الگوی و
ارزیابی بدون صفحات دیگر مانند صفحه جلو و محصول
صفحه فهرست. به منظور مقایسه با روش مرجع، استفاده می کنیم
5 معیارهای مختلف.معیارهای دقت، پوشش، Fmeasure،
R-اندازه گیری و رتبه بالا-K.
دقت اندازه گیری درجه که به روش
تولید توصیه های دقیق. پوشش است
احتمال این که یک صفحه توصیه خواهد شد بازدید
کاربر می باشد. به طور کلی، بیشتر صفحات وب یک روش توصیه،
روش دقت پایین تر می شود، و صفحات وب کمتر
روش توصیه، روش پوشش بالاتر می شود.
بنابراین، دقت و پوشش مورد نیاز در نظر گرفته شود
با هم
سلام. میشه اینو هم ترجمه کنید واسم !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!؟ (روم سیاه)
سلام. من مدتی است که روی مقاله شما کار میکنم. دراین مقاله گفته شده است صفحاتی با هم مشابه هستند که علاوه بر مقدار عددی موحود در ماتریس dissimilarity لینکهای خروجی آنها هم مشابه باشد و چنین صفحاتی با هم در یک کلاستر( خوشه) قرار میگیرند،اما در شبه کد که در مقاله موجود است هیچ اشاره ای به لینکهای خروجی نشده است و در هیج قسمتی از کد این نکته بررسی نشده است. آیا لینکهای خروجی با معیار closeness بررسی شده است؟ با پیاده سازی این مقاله با کد ارائه شده در متن ،مثالی که در مقاله موجود است خوشه بندی شد اما حوشه های ایجاد شده با پاسخی که در مقاله آورده شده یکی نیست. اگر لطف نموده و اینجانب را راهنمایی بفرمایید ممنون میشوم.
سلام دوستان عزیز
میشه تو ترجمه صحیح این جمله کمکم کنین ؟ :فکر::فکر:
you can imagine a workforce where it is the culture to take performance enhancers routinely, and your boss yelled at you if you didnt do so as well.
سلام دوست عزیز.ممنون که همیشه به من کمک میکنی.اگه میشه این سه تا پست روواسم ترجمه ک.مرسی مرسی زیاد
Current practice in ontology mapping entails a large number of ¯elds rang-
ing from machine learning, concept lattices, and formal theories to heuristics,
database schema, and linguistics. Their applications also range signi¯cantly,
from academic prototypes to large scale industrial applications. Therefore, it
was impractical and overwhelming to conduct a marketing-style survey with
questionnaires, standardised categories, and multiple participants. In fact, there
is an acknowledged dearth of standards and metrics in knowledge engineering
which would have made our job even more di±cult. The few that are de¯ned,
like for example the CommonKADS methodology (Schreiber et al. 2000), or the
recent OntoWeb EU thematic network (OntoWeb 2002), are not fully endorsed
by recognised bodies, neither do they speci¯cally mention ontology mapping
We therefore scrutinised the literature to identify works that target ontology
mapping, or at least are somehow related to it. We deliberately widened the
scope of our survey and included works that target integration and merging,
originate from other communities (for example, database schemata), and works
that are purely theoretical. We aim to give a broad picture of ontology mapping
practice today and hence do not restrict our survey to those works that are
`labelled' as ontology mapping tools. As we will show in the sequel, there
are many angles at which the problem can be viewed from, and we aim to
highlight this diversity. Despite the fact that we quote original works, we also
provide critiquing, whenever appropriate, in order to maintain a uniform style,
to provide comparative indicators, and to focus on a broader picture of ontology
mapping. As such, the reader should expect a certain degree of subjectivity.
2The OntoWeb deliverable is probably the report which is closest to an ontology mapping
However, this has been kept to a minimum, and we gathered most of our personal
judgement in Section 5, where we elaborate on issues that we found important
for the interested practitioner.
We should also note what this survey is not about: It is not a comparative
review, we do not compare the works reported under any speci¯c framework,
simply because such a framework does not exist! Although e®orts have been
made to provide such a framework (see, for example, (OntoWeb 2002), pp. 35{
51), these are far from being standards. Experience from software engineering
shows that developing and agreeing on these standards is a lengthy process
which takes many years and extensive resources (Moore 1998). This survey also
does not make any attempt to provide standardised de¯nitions and scope of
ontology mapping. The origin and diversity of works reported makes this task
arguably impossible. Only a theoretical approach could help us understand the
di®erences and commonalities. In the next section, we elaborate on such an
parastu گفت:مهسا جان اگه زحمتی نیست و وقت داری یه نگاهی به این متن ها بکن
نمونه سوالای امتحانیه که استادمون داده،ولی هر کاری می کنم نمی تونم معنیشون کنم:ناراحت:
تو ترنسلیتم زدم،ولی خیلی معنی عجق وجقی میاورد.9 ام امتحان دارم،ولی نمی دونم چیکار کنم...:ناراحت:
1- Translate this paragraph to fluent Farsi. In addition, according to the paragraph, answer the question in English.
One of the cache controller’s jobs is to look after ‘cache coherency’ which means ensuring that any changes written to main memory are reflected within the cache and vice versa. There are several techniques for achieving this. The most obvious is that the processor writes directly to both the cache and the main memory at the same time, which is called ‘write through’ cache and is the safest solution, but also the worst from aspect of the speed.
Answer the question of paragraph 1, only in English: “What is Cache Coherency?”
2- Translate this paragraph to fluent Farsi. In addition, according to the paragraph, answer the question in English. Besides choose (a) suitable word(s) for the empty space which is showed by … .
During the 1990s, areal density doubled every 18 months, keeping pace with the transistor density gains predicted by Moore’s Law. But increasingly daunting technical challenges face those who would push the storage envelope further. ‘I think magnetic recording technology has another good 5 to 10 years,’ says Munce. ‘After that, we’ll see … difficulties with further advances at the pace people are accustomed to.’
Answer the question of paragraph 2, only in English: “What is Moore’s Law?”
3- Translate this paragraph to fluent Farsi.
In a clinic, reception staff enters all appointment dates and times for each doctor in a software program. The program generates daily lists of appointments and can be accessed by the doctors. Reception use the patient database to identify children and old people who are due to have vaccinations.
Doctors can also access a drugs database on CD-ROM which provides prescribing information on thousands of drugs including their suitability for different categories of patients. This updated every month.
4- Translate this paragraph to fluent Farsi.
There are a lot of advantages to the approach of using ASPs. The havoc caused by viruses makes the idea of outsourcing your email and office suite services an appealing option. It also gives you more flexibility – you pay for applications as you require them, rather than investing in lots of costly software which you’re then tied to for years.
5- Translate this paragraph to fluent Farsi.
POP is a message-retrieval protocol used by many PC mail clients to get messages from a server, typically your ISP's mail server. It only allows you to download all messages in your mailbox at once. It works in 'pull' mode, the receiving PC initiating the connection.