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ضرب المثل انگلیسی به تفکیک حرف


متخصص بخش ادبیات

  • "Waste not, want not."
  • "We all make mistakes." انسان جایز الخطاست.
  • "We are all in this together."
  • "We must take the bad with the good."
  • "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."
  • "What goes around comes around."
    • You will eventually have to face the consequences of your actions towards others as people tend to behave toward you as you have behaved toward others.
  • "What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander."
    • Possible Interpretation: If something is good for one person, it is good for everyone;
    • Alternative: "What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
  • "When in Rome do as the Romans do." خواهی نشوی رسوا همرنگ جماعت باش! / اقلیت تابع اکثریت!
  • "When the cat's away, the mice will play."
  • "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."
  • "When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras."
  • "Where one door shuts, another opens." خدا گر ز حکمت ببندد دری گشاید ز رحمت در دیگری
  • "Where there's a will there's a way."خواستن توانستن است!
  • "While the cat is away, the mice will play."
  • "While there's life, there's hope."
  • "Whiskey on beer, never fear. Beer on whiskey, mighty risky."
  • "Who keeps company with the wolves, will learn to howl."
  • "Whom we love best, to them we can say the least."
  • "Why have a dog and bark yourself?"
    • Asked of a leader who performs the work himself instead of distributing equally amongst his workers or subordinates.
  • "Why pay for the cow when the milk is free?"
    • Why make a commitment when the benefits are available without the obligation? Commonly applied to sexual favors where "paying for the cow" refers to (a promise of) marriage.
  • "Wide ears and short tongue are the best."
  • "Winners never cheat and cheaters never win."
  • "Without sleep, no health."
  • Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere


متخصص بخش ادبیات

  • "You are responsible for you."
ترجمه: تو مسئول خودت هستی در فارسی: هر کسی رو تو گور خودش میذارند

  • "You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."
ترجمه: با عسل بهتر میتونی حشره بگبره تا با سرکه در فارسی : زبون نرم مار رو از سوراخش میکشونه بیرون

  • "You can lead (take) a horse to water but you can't make it drink."
    • See also Dorothy Parker: "You can lead a horticulture, but you cannot make her think."
ترجمه: میتونی اسب رو ببری دم آب اما نمیتونی وارادش کنی که بخورش

  • "You can't have it both ways."
  • "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
    • Possible Interpretation: You cannot enjoy two mutually-exclusive benefits of the same situation.
ترجمه:نمیتونی دوتاش رو بخوای - نمیتونی هم کیکت رو بخوری هم نگهش داری در فارسی : هم خر و میخوای هم خرما؟

  • "You can't judge a book by its cover."
ترجمه : از روی جلی کتاب نمیشه درباره اون قضات کرد فارسی: نمیشه از روی ظاهر آدما قضاوت کرد

  • "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."
ترجمه: بدون شکستن تخم مرغ نمیشه املت درست کرد

  • "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."
ترجمه: از کوش یه خوک نمیتونی یه کیف ابریشمی درست کنی

  • "You can't milk a cow with your hands in your pants."
ترجمه: نمیشه با دستی که تو جیبته گاو رو بدوشی

  • "You can't run with the hare and hunt with the hounds."
ترجمه: نمیشه مثل خرگوش دوید و و شکار سگ شکاری رو داشت

  • "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."
  • "You can't teach grandma to suck eggs."
ترجمه: نمیشه به یه سگ پیر شیرینکاری یاد داد / دیگه برای یاد دادن ساک زدن به یه پیره زن خیلی دیره

  • "You have to crawl before you can walk."
ترجمه: قبل از اینکه بتونی راه بری حتما باید بخزی

  • "You'll always miss 100% of the [basketball] shots you don't take."
همیشه 100 درصد توپای پرتابی خودت رو که پرتاب نکردی گل نمیشه

  • "You need to bait the hook to catch the fish."
برای شمکار ماهی حتما باید سر قلاب طعمه بزاری

  • "You never know what you've got till it's gone."
هیچ وقت نمیدونی چی داری مگه زمانی که از دستش بدی

  • "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."
ترجمه: پشتم رو بخارون تا پشتت رو بخارونم. معادل: هوامو داشته باش، هواتو داشته باشتم.

  • "You will not rise to the occasion, you will default to the level of your training"
  • "You lose some... and you win some... and some you don't even bother to play".
یه چیزیایی رو میبری یه چیزایی رو هم میبازی اما نباید از بازی برنجی

  • "You can't grease a "pig" so many times that he can't be greased one more time."
به یه خوک که قبلا روغنی شده دیگه نمیتونی روغن بمالی

منبع : http://english-masters.mihanblog.com/