Punctuation Marks
Why Punctuation Matters
Apostrophe (')
:The apostrophe is used
_ To form possessive of singular and plural nouns not ending in 's' or 's' sound
_ To mark omissions in contracted form
_ To form the plural of the letters, numbers, and signs referred to as word
منبع و تایپ مطالب این تاپیک : ایران انجمن
When we speak, we make pauses between words or groups of words. But in addition to pauses we use other techniques to shape our speaking. We produce some words with more force, so that more notice is taken of them. We move our voice up and down, as well. We use gestures, and we change the expression on our face when we talk. In all these cases we shape our speech.
When we write, we should also shape our words, phrases and sentences. The first thing to do is to leave a space between the written words. If you leave no space between words you should find reading very difficult though not impossible. The second stage is to use punctuation marks. Punctuation marks are conventional signs and symbols which are used for the following purposes:
1. To separate groups of words for clear meaning and emphasis
2. To convey an idea of the variation of pitch, pauses and intonation of speech put into writing
3. To help avoid contextual ambiguity
When we write, we should also shape our words, phrases and sentences. The first thing to do is to leave a space between the written words. If you leave no space between words you should find reading very difficult though not impossible. The second stage is to use punctuation marks. Punctuation marks are conventional signs and symbols which are used for the following purposes:
1. To separate groups of words for clear meaning and emphasis
2. To convey an idea of the variation of pitch, pauses and intonation of speech put into writing
3. To help avoid contextual ambiguity
Apostrophe (')
:The apostrophe is used
_ To form possessive of singular and plural nouns not ending in 's' or 's' sound
Tom's shoes | Anybody's coat | Son-in-law's hat |
Man's feet | Anybody Else's coat |
_ To mark omissions in contracted form
It's five o'clock | He won't go | I'm a student | They're coming |
_ To form the plural of the letters, numbers, and signs referred to as word
منبع و تایپ مطالب این تاپیک : ایران انجمن
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