• توجه: در صورتی که از کاربران قدیمی ایران انجمن هستید و امکان ورود به سایت را ندارید، میتوانید با آیدی altin_admin@ در تلگرام تماس حاصل نمایید.

علائم نشانه گذاری در زبان انگلیسی ( Punctuation Marks )


متخصص بخش زبان
Punctuation Marks

Why Punctuation Matters
When we speak, we make pauses between words or groups of words. But in addition to pauses we use other techniques to shape our speaking. We produce some words with more force, so that more notice is taken of them. We move our voice up and down, as well. We use gestures, and we change the expression on our face when we talk. In all these cases we shape our speech.

When we write, we should also shape our words, phrases and sentences. The first thing to do is to leave a space between the written words. If you leave no space between words you should find reading very difficult though not impossible. The second stage is to use punctuation marks. Punctuation marks are conventional signs and symbols which are used for the following purposes:
1. To separate groups of words for clear meaning and emphasis
2. To convey an idea of the variation of pitch, pauses and intonation of speech put into writing
3. To help avoid contextual ambiguity

Apostrophe (')
:The apostrophe is used
_ To form possessive of singular and plural nouns not ending in 's' or 's' sound

Tom's shoesAnybody's coat
Son-in-law's hat
Man's feetAnybody Else's coat

_ To mark omissions in contracted form
It's five o'clockHe won't go
I'm a studentThey're coming

_ To form the plural of the letters, numbers, and signs referred to as word

منبع و تایپ مطالب این تاپیک : ایران انجمن

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متخصص بخش زبان
A. To form the possessive of plural nouns ending in 's', use the apostrophe alone.
Soldiers' uniform

[TD="width: 205"]
Friends' houses
[TD="width: 205"]
Ladies' jewelry

B. To form the possessive of singular nouns ending in 's' or 's' sound, use either the apostrophe plus 's' or the apostrophe alone.

Keats's poetry
Keats' poetry

Exercise 21

1. Write the following phrases with apostrophe.
a. The defeat of our team
b. The house belonging to Antony
c. The playground for children
d. The courage of the policewoman
e. The kindness of my aunt

2. Add an apostrophe to each of the following sentences.
a. Youll be sorry.

?b. Dont you like swimming
.c. Im cold
?d. Whos the new prime minister
?e. Doesnt your brother ever stop talking

Exclamation mark (!)
1. We usually put an exclamation mark after a word or a group of words to show strong feeling, i.e, to show that someone is angry, or surprised, or frightened, or happy.

Stop doing that !
Help !
Go away !
2. It is used after interjections.
Exercise 22
Use exclamation mark where necessary.
Go away
There's dave
I've won
Get off
Hold on
I saw him

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متخصص بخش زبان

:The comma is used

1. To set off main clauses joined by a coordinate conjunction (and, or, but, so, for , nor, yet), and very short clauses not so joined.


She knew very little about him, and he disclosed nothing.

He tried hard, but he failed in his exams.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

2. To set off a subordinate clause that precedes the main clause.

When he found that his friends had deserted him, he sat down and wept.

3. To set off the conjunctive adverbs (however, consequently, still, in addition).

4. To set off an appositive or a non-restrictive adjective clause

5. To set off transitional element

6. To set off words such as yes, no, thank you and question tags.

7. To set off names of people spoken to

8. To separate a series of three or more words, phrases, clauses.

9. To set off parenthetic elements from rest of the sentence

10. To set off direct speech

11. To group numbers into units of three, thousand, million and billion

12. To punctuate an inverted name

13. To set off a proper name from a following academic, honorary, governmental or military title

14. To terminate each line of address in a British-styled letter

15. To terminate salutation in a personal letter

16. To terminate complementary closing of a letter

Exercise 23

Use comma where needed in each sentence.

1. After walking for two hours along a narrow path we found the bank of the river.

2. If you study hard you will succeed.

3. You can make a dog lie down but you can't make him close his eyes.

4. While there is life there is hope.

5. The shark stomach contained a pair of shoes a human skull a copy of the bible printed on leather.

6. Our tour will give us a week in Venice three days in Florence four days in Rome and the rest of the time we will be traveling there and back on the coach.

7. Margaret I'm sure would love to come with us.

8. My brother Edward is now doing very well in Canada.

9. Gardening which I hate takes up most of my Sundays in summer.

10. Your brother likes football doesn't he?

11. Yes that’s my pen.

12. Thank you id be glad to come.

13. Excuse me sir is this your car?

14. Im all right Jack.

15. Joe must you leave your rubbish on the floor?

16. He worked during the day; furthermore he attended night classes.

17. He was tired he was hungry and he was very late.

18. Mr. Morgan Johns father was pleased.

19. "You must go now" he said.

منبع : ایران انجمن


متخصص بخش زبان
Period, Full stop (Bre.),(.)
The full stop is used:​
1. To terminate, declarative or imerative sentences.​
2. To make abbreviations​
Note: the full stop is not generally used if the abbreviation ends with the same letter as the full word.​
Exercise 24
Use period where it is necessary.​
1. Open the door​
2. At seven o'clock​
3. NE Jones​
4. In Iran people can vote at the age of sixteen​
5. I bet you I could stop gambling​
Colon :))
The colon is used:​
1. To introduce a clause or phrase that explains, illustrates, amplifies, or restates what has gone before​
2. To introduce a list or series​
3. To introduce the lengthy quoted material as Chomsky remarks​
4. To introduce the words of a speaker in a play or conversation​
5. To set off hours and minutes​
6. To separate Biblical and Quranic references​
7. To give the relationship between one number and another​
8. After a salutation in a business or formal letter​
9. To introduce a comment or explanation in the same way as a dash​
Exercise 25
Use colon where it is necessary.​
1. You will recognize the first sign of age: it is when you go out and realize for the first how young the policeman look.​
2. 18 30​
3. The mechanic found three things wrong with the car faulty brakes, poor steering and a lot of rust underneath.​
4. Dear Madam​
5. He won Oscars in two films 'Women in love' and 'a touch of class'.​
6. The college library ordered the following books​