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مباحث عمومی هواشناسی

موضوع بسته شده است.

Amir Mohsen

متخصص بخش هواشناسی
Volcanic CO2 Caused Ancient Episodes of Global Warming
  • Published: February 18th, 2013

By Michael D. Lemonick
Follow @MLemonick
In order to predict our climate future, scientists spend a lot of time looking into the past, trying to understand what conditions were like during times when the planet was much warmer or much cooler than it is today. The latest instance: a report published in the February issue of the journal Geosphere, offering a plausible explanation for swings between long stretches of greenhouse warming and dramatic cooling over millions of years.
The culprit, said lead author Cin-Ty Lee of Rice University in an interview, appears to be the ebb and flow of eruptions from volcanic mountain chains around the globe, which alternately pump heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and allow it to be re-absorbed by rocks and living things.
While these changes happen far too slowly to have any bearing on the current, human-caused episode of global warming, they do help scientists to understand the relationship between carbon-dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere and global temperature changes.
The new idea is that it’s a more sustained series of eruptions from volcanoes in strategic locations along the edge of continents that cause these long periods of warmth.
Credit: flickr/NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
The main effect of volcanoes in the modern world is to cool the planet by throwing particles of sulfur dioxide high into the stratosphere, where they temporarily block the Sun. In the distant past, however, paleo-climatologists have long believed that volcanic activity was a major cause of global warming. Massive eruptions — far more powerful than anything going on today — can pump large amounts of heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the air. The problem with that theory is that those events don’t last long enough to explain periods of warmer climate that have lasted tens of millions of years.
The new idea Lee and his colleagues are proposing is that it’s a more sustained series of eruptions from volcanoes in strategic locations along the edge of continents that cause these long periods of warmth. When they subside, the CO2 eventually drops, and the planet plunges into a colder period, with year-round ice deposits at the poles — the situation we’re in today.
The genesis of this idea was, Lee said, “kind of random.” About four years ago, he dropped by an informal weekly lunchtime seminar at Rice known as “Looney Noons,” in which scientists talk about works in progress and speculative theories rather than their more polished work. The talk that day was about a mass extinction that wiped out a big fraction of the planet’s species about 93 million years ago, and a light bulb went off. “I remembered learning as an undergrad years before,” he said, “that there was a lot of volcanic activity at that time in the Sierra Nevada” — a range which, like the Cascades and the Andes, is only intermittently volcanic today.
According to geologists volcanic mountain ranges were both more extensive and more active during period starting about 140 million years ago.
Credit: flickr/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
That led Lee and another colleague to think about the difference between volcano types, and particularly about the unique characteristics of volcanic ranges on the edges of continents. These are generally created when plate tectonics shoves a slab of the Earth’s oceanic crust under its continental crust. The oceanic crust melts and sends hot magma up through the continental crust, where huge amounts of carbon-bearing rock, mostly limestone and marble, lie. “These rocks are made up of about 40 percent carbon, so as the magma bubbles upward and dissolves that rock, it frees up an enormous amount of carbon that eventually reaches the atmosphere,” Lee said.
According to geologists, these volcanic mountain ranges, known as continental arcs, were both more extensive and more active during period starting about 140 million years ago, as the giant continent known as Pangea broke up into the continents we know today. As they drifted apart, the continents’ leading edges — western North and South America, eastern and southern Asia — plowed over oceanic crust, triggering an increase in carbon-rich eruptions. That finally waned about 50 million years ago, at about the time when the planet went through a gradual but inexorable cooling.
Lee said if this theory is correct, these continental-arc volcanoes would only have a warming effect if there were plenty of carbonate rock deposits on continental margins. And since these deposits come, in part, from the shells of living organisms that once lived on continental shelves, this could only have happened after evolution had produced those organisms in great numbers, which happened just a bit over 500 million years ago.
“This is very speculative,” Lee said, “but it may be that the presence of life on Earth has actually changed the impact volcanoes have on climate.”


کاربر ويژه
سلام دوستان. منطقه ما هم خدا رو شکر یه رگبار قشنگ بارون رو داشتیم. ولی متاسفانه الان هوا تقریبا باز شده!:ناراحت:

saeed hh

کاربر ويژه
بیشترین بارشها از سال اول زراعی انزلی 984نوشهر 924کوهرنگ 820میلیمتر بودند!!!
آخرین ویرایش:

Amir Mohsen

متخصص بخش هواشناسی
جالبه اینجا بارون اومد بعد تازه فرودگاه لایت دریزل ثبت کرده:

[h=4]Current weather observation
The report was made 11 minutes ago, at 18:30 UTC
Wind 15 km/h from south
Temperature 8°C
Humidity 76%
Pressure 1016 hPa
Visibility 10 km or more
Overcast at a height of 457 m
light drizzle


کاربر ويژه
آبدیت جدید ECMWF متاسفانه فکر کنم بارش اواخر هفته مون رو کاهش داده و بارشا رو مثل GFS محدود به بعد از ظهر پنجشنبه تا صبح جمعه کرده!


متخصص بخش هواشناسی
وضعيت پر فشار جنب حاره اي هم اكنون (مرز بيروني خط 584 دكامتر)


نرمال اقليمي ارتفاع تراز 500 ميلي بار 18 فوريه


کاربر ويژه
میشه این جوری نتیجه گیری کرد که بارش نیمه شمالی وابستگی زیادی به پرفشار شمالی داره حالا چه النینو باشه چه اون یکی ولی بازم باید رطوبت جنوبی باشه ولی اگه پرفشار قوی باشه میتونه جبران کمبود رطوبت جنوبی رو بکنه ولی برعکسش نمیشه!!!

برای سواحل شمالی سه تا الگو موثره

پرفشار سیبری
پرفشار مهاجر اروپایی
کم‌فشارهای بهاره

دو الگوی اول، الگوی غالب بارش خرداد تا اسفند و الگوی دوم، الگوی بارش فروردین و اردی‌بهشت هستش.


متخصص بخش هواشناسی
خیر سرش نرماله :|

تراز 584 كمي بالاتر از نرماله

مهرداد درسته که تو این ماه ها تلاطم جو بالاست و این میتونه موجب صعود بهتر رطوبت و بارش بیشتر شه؟چون اسفند اینجا پربارش تر از بهمنه!

اسفند ماهي كه الگوهاي تغيير فصل به عينه ظاهر مي شن. اين نتيجه تغيير زاويه تابش خورشيد از 1 دي بوده و اثرات اون نمايان شده. طي ماه اسفند به دليل افزايش اغتشاشات سطوح جو ، تلاطم بالاست در اين ماه حركت توده هاي هوا سريع تر مي شه.

با نزديك شدن به 6 ماهه اول سال ميزان سرعت باد افزايش پيدا مي كنه و بتدريج فراواني وقوع گرمباد ها كم ميشه.


کاربر ويژه
جدیدترین پیشبینی سایت نروژ برف و سرمای خوبی رو برای هفته بعد در مشهد نشون میده::ایرانجمن::شاد2:

Tuesday19 FebruaryWednesday20 FebruaryThursday21 FebruaryFriday22 FebruarySaturday23 FebruarySunday24 FebruaryMonday25 FebruaryTuesday26 FebruaryWednesday27 FebruaryThursday28 February
0 mm precipitation per 24 hours1.8 mm precipitation per 24 hours6 mm precipitation per 24 hours2.0 mm precipitation per 24 hours0 mm precipitation per 24 hours0.1 mm precipitation per 24 hours14 mm precipitation per 24 hours6 mm precipitation per 24 hours0.1 mm precipitation per 24 hours0 mm precipitation per 24 hours
Long term forecast


کاربر ويژه

با نزديك شدن به 6 ماهه اول سال ميزان سرعت باد افزايش پيدا مي كنه و بتدريج فراواني وقوع گرمباد ها كم ميشه.

دلیلش افزایش میزان رطوبت مطلق کم فشارهاست به دلیل گرمتر بودن. برای همینه که در بهار بارش بیشتر و گرمباد کمتری از سامانه‌های کمفشار در شمال ظاهر می‌شه.
موضوع بسته شده است.