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Heavy Snow Headed Back to the Northeast
By Kristina Pydynowski, Senior Meteorologist![]()
March 17, 2013; 1:19 PM
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An expert analysis on the snowstorm is given in the above AccuWeather.com video.![]()
Yet another snowstorm is taking aim at the Northeast with northern New England and the St. Lawrence Valley bracing for the snowstorm's worst.
After rain and wet snow moves into the southern mid-Atlantic today, snow is set to spread northward from the central Appalachians to New England and the St. Lawrence Valley tonight through Tuesday night.
Enough cold air is even in place for snow and/or a wintry mix to occur across Virginia's Shenandoah Valley this evening through Monday morning.
AccuWeather.com Winter Weather Center
New England Flooding, Coastal Concerns
Upper Midwest Braces for Blizzard Conditions
Severe Weather Threat: Shreveport, Nashville, Birmingham
Disruptive is definitely fitting for this snowstorm with interruptions to daily routines and treacherous travel sure to unfold.
The snow will reach the western I-80 corridor in Pennsylvania by daybreak Monday and just north of the New York State Thruway and western Massachusetts by sunset Monday. By the start of Tuesday, the snow will have begun across the St. Lawrence Valley and most of northern New England.
For a larger version of this map, please visit the AccuWeather.com Winter Weather Center.
The storm will be gaining strength during that time, allowing it to unleash more than a foot of snow in the higher terrain of northern New England by Wednesday.
Widespread amounts of 6 to 12 inches are expected elsewhere across northern New England and the St. Lawrence Valley, including the cities of Burlington, Vt., Concord, N.H., Caribou and Bangor, Maine.
Similar totals (15-30 cm) are also in store for the neighboring Canadian cities of Montreal and Quebec City.
Farther to the south -- along and south of the northern shore of Lake Ontario, the eastern New York State Thruway, the northern Massachusetts border and the coasts of New Hampshire and Maine -- the snow will mix with or change to sleet and/or rain.
However, that will not prevent significant totals from being measured.
AccuWeather.com meteorologists still expect between 6 and 12 inches of snow to accumulate from the Twin Tiers of northern Pennsylvania/southern New York to the Berkshires of Massachusetts.
While heavier totals will be measured to the north and west, residents of Portland, Maine, will be digging out of 4 to 8 inches after the storm winds down Tuesday night.
"As we have warned about this past week, there is potential for the rate of the snow to be intense and the accumulation heavy and wet," stated AccuWeather.com Expert Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski.
"Enough wet, clinging snow can fall to down tree limbs and power lines in some areas," a danger that is greatest from Elmira, N.Y., and Lock Haven, Pa., to Portland, Maine.
Other cities in this threat zone include Binghamton and Albany, N.Y., Pittsfield, Mass., and Concord and Portsmouth, N.H.
Rain, meanwhile, will win out over the snow along the Interstate 95 corridor from Boston to New York City to Philadelphia to Washington, D.C., potentially leading to minor flooding issues in southern New England.
A coating to an inch in Washington, D.C., and Baltimore early Monday and 1-3 inches in Boston early Tuesday could still lead to slow and slick morning commutes. New York City will also see a coating to an inch of snow around sunset, but mainly on non-paved surfaces.
The timing of the snow and/or sleet falling in Philadelphia should prevent travel problems on roadways, but airline passengers should still prepare for flight delays.
درود ارش جان . تهران پایین اون قسمت البرز هست که جهت رشته کوه عوض شده . حفره میوفته شهر ری به پایین .
علی جان این حالت در خورستان کاملا طبیعی هست، ابر تندری اسفند به بعد بارش قابلی نداره مگر این که رطوبت واقعا درست و درمانی به همراه داشته باشه، یادش بخیر، سال 75 شب رفتم توی حیاط دیدم انگار خونه همسایه رو دارن با فلاش روشن میکنند! برگشتم پشت سرم رو نگاه کردم و WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!
دیوار رعد و برق بود که میومد به سمت اهواز! هر ثانیه بیشتر از 2 رعد وبرق میزد! تمام آسمان روشن بود! حیف که اون زمان مثل الان دوربین و لوازم فیلم برداری نبود، خلاصه توده ابر به شهر رسید وبعد از کلی سر و صدا و وزش باد شدید و گرد و خاک، بارش کمی نازل شد و تمام!
پس زیاد ناراحت نباش، فصل گرم خوزستان درحال شروع شدن هست و متاسفانه باید برای گرماهایشدید آماده بشید.
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