[h=5]To Edit an Entire Field:
Move the mouse pointer to the
left edge of the
field you want to edit.
The mouse pointer changes to a selection tool, a
large cross.
Click to select the field, and then type over the word(s).
Warning! When attempting to edit an entire field, be careful not to move the mouse pointer
so far to the left that the pointer changes to an arrow. Clicking the record selector selects the
record, but
you cannot edit data in the fields with the entire record selected.
Saving Your Work: When you are finished entering or editing table data, close
the table. If you have changed table layout, (not covered in this lesson), you'll be
prompted to save the changes. Unlike other Word 2000, Excel 2000, or PowerPoint 2000 applications, you
will not be prompted to save the data you entered. Each record was saved as you entered it.