[FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]NOAA's 39th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop
will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, on 20-23 October 2014 | | [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif] Agenda | |
| | [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]Registration Fee: $275 ($175 for Students) | |
[FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif] Click here to sign up for or unsubscribe from the Climate Diagnostics Prediction Workshop (CDPW) list serve (receive emails regarding CDPW) :
CDPW list serve [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]NOAA's 39th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop will be held in St. Louis, Missouri during 20-23 October 2014. The workshop will address the status and prospects for advancing climate prediction, monitoring, and diagnostics, and will focus on five major themes:
- [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]Prediction, monitoring, and variability of the hydroclimate with an emphasis on the Midwest during the growing season.
- [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]The prediction, attribution, and assessment of extreme events.
- [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]Sub-seasonal to interannual predictability.
- [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]Latest developments in models, tools, and techniques in relation to improving climate prediction.
- [FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]Developing applications to improve climate services.
[FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]The workshop will be hosted by St. Louis University (SLU) and co-hosted by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is a cooperating sponsor.
[FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]The workshop will feature daytime oral presentations, invited speakers, and panel discussions with a poster session event on one evening. For students, some travel support and discounted registration might be available if budget allows.
[FONT=verdana,Vazir,serif]For more information, please contact Scott Handel (Scott.Handel@noaa.gov, 301-683-3454), Jae-Kyung Schemm ( Jae.Schemm@noaa.gov, 301-683-3392), or Kingtse Mo (Kingtse.Mo@noaa.gov, 301-683-3394).