92 ناهنجار
از استادان و بزرگواران میخوام که این نقشه کشور عربستان رو برای بنده تفسیر و تشریح کنند.....
استان کرمانشاه ماهان استان زیبائی ه خوب کاری برام پیش اومد وگرنه خیلی برنامه گشت و گذار داشتم و صددرصد امسال بسمت جوانرود و نودشه و مریوان می رمسلامی دوباره
الان حدود بیست کیلومتر خارج شهر دهگلان هستیم و به سمت کامیاران میریم و وارد استان کرمانشاه شدیم. مسیرش زیباست ولی جاده ی خیلی تنگی داره. خدمت محمد جان هم عرض کنم که الوند رو دیدیم ولی اینجا هوا مقداری گرد و خاک داره.
ماشالهمحمد سادات عزیز اینجا میناب بهمن 1373 واین پل هم روی رودخانه میناب هستش
آمار بارش مربوط به بندر عباس در همون روزهاست 260 میل تو 4 روز باریده!!!
کرمان 80 میل !!! به نظر میرسه میناب و رودان هم باید بالای 300 میل باریده باشن !
Cloud-scale ProcessesClouds are more than just a collection of droplets. Several processes are continually occurring in and around clouds.In general, clouds are characterized by rising air called updrafts. However, severe storms also have sinking air called downdrafts, resulting in turbulence, and towering cumulus clouds can often have lateral, or sideways, air movement. Let's start with the updrafts. |
What happens inside a cloud?
Cloud-scale ProcessesClouds are more than just a collection of droplets. Several processes are continually occurring in and around clouds.In general, clouds are characterized by rising air called updrafts. However, severe storms also have sinking air called downdrafts, resulting in turbulence, and towering cumulus clouds can often have lateral, or sideways, air movement. Let's start with the updrafts.We know that clouds are formed by convection, the process of warm air rising. The rising air cools, which limits convection. However, if the air contains water vapor, heat is released when the vapor condenses into droplets. This added source of heat increases the buoyancy of the air and allows convection to continue. With enough initial heat and moisture, convection forms clouds that can be miles high!Rising warm air displaces the air around it, which means the surrounding air sinks. This means that dry areas of downdrafts always surround cloudy areas of updrafts. Sometimes the air masses moving in opposite directions interact and cool, dry air is inserted into the cloud.In a vigorously convective cumulus cloud, this insertion of dry air can cause cloud droplets within the cloud to evaporate. Evaporation cools the air, which means a shaft of cool, sinking air will develop in the interior of the cloud. This downdraft rapidly transports precipitation out of the bottom of the cloud, and causes gusts of air to spread out from below the cloud. This is why it is often very windy before a thunderstorm arrives.
این یعنی این باور عامیانه که هوا گرم شده ،پس میخواد بارون بیاد درسته ؟!Atmospheric Convection, cont
If the thermal is vigorous enough, it will often form a cloud and sometimes grow into a thunderstorm. Hence, thunderstorms are often referred to as "convection"
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